Adam and Eve Experiment/Stay down
From Create Your Own Story
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Weta (Talk | contribs)
(Created page with 'You don't want to move just yet. You are amazed with what is happening. You're pubic hair is on end. You are thinking "How did I get naked?" You feel the soil with your bare hand…')
(Created page with 'You don't want to move just yet. You are amazed with what is happening. You're pubic hair is on end. You are thinking "How did I get naked?" You feel the soil with your bare hand…')
Current revision as of 03:08, 22 October 2010
You don't want to move just yet. You are amazed with what is happening. You're pubic hair is on end. You are thinking "How did I get naked?" You feel the soil with your bare hands.
Do you: