Travel to Cairo by steamboat

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“Why if I might ask my good sir, have we stopped?” Although you chose your words politely your tone delivers a clear message of annoyance. With the new improvements in steam engine technology you were making record time, which is a good think since you have no love for the sea. Now you are at port in Kyrenia, without the decency of being told why.
You ponder the telegram for a moment, tapping it on your knee pensivly. Not once since the Hyde case has Finks made the slightest communication with your family, and your memories, though vague, were of a man who intenstly disliked the company of other men. While frusturatingly opaque, you feel compelled to meet with Finks and discover the root of his telegram.  
The sailor responds only with gibberish so you move past him to the captain of the ship. When he tries to stop you, you give him a firm slap on the wrist which is enough to make him back up. The captain is a funny looking man with an weird mustache. He raises his head in acknowledgement of your presents and you tell him.  
"Book the next ship out." You say to your butler. "I need to pack for heat..."
“Why if I might ask my good sir, have we stopped?”
The funny looking captain stutters on his response so badly that the words become impossible to make out. Before you can scold him for his mistake he realizes it himself and tries again. This time he leans in and whispers it in your ear.  
And hot it is, standing on the wood plank deck of the 'Pride of Isis', a waterwheel steamboat traveling up the Nile to Northern Egypt, after landing in Libya and spending nearly a week in the desert across the country. Your smooth skin has browned nicely in the sun, your cheeks and the tip of your nose burned reddish from the constant sun, even under your wide brimmed fedora. As you stare out on the sparkling water you feel the hot breeze brush your skin, your clothing unusually immodest for a woman of culture in response to the weather. Your traveling jacket is unlaced rather low, letting your bronzed skin breath, glistening with warm sweat between your slightly revealed cleavage. Most people would be uncomfortable in this heat but you find it refreshing after years of working mostly in cold damp England, the dry heat a pleasent change of pace.  
You give him an baffled but serious look.  
“The diamond of the French theater?” You remark.  
You haven't had much time to think about Finks and his mysterious letter, the 'Pride of Isis' being a busy and often times noisy place. A constant flow of travelers, merchants, mercenaries, and criminals move on and off it, almost every day holding a new set of passangers up the legendary river. Many of them buzz about some mysterious celebrity passanger that has been sequestered to the main cabin since the journey began but you don't find yourself paticularly intralled by the gossip. Mostly you've had to watch your things and your femininity as the often roguish or downright dangerous often underestimate your abilities as a woman. Cairo is only three days away, leaving you ample time to consider your strategy with Finks when you arrive...
“Yes she’s here; traveling on my ship can you believe it!” He makes no attempt to hide his excitement but changes to a more apologetic tone as he continues. “She requested that we dock so that she might take a bath.
Suddenly you feel the boat choke to a stop. You are puzzled and a little frustrated; the boat stopped off only two hours ago, any more time is lost time. Other passengers seem to feel similarly confused but most are heading to the boats to stop off at the nearby town across the river. You consider confronting a crewmember about this; you are indeed here on business, but similarly you slept through the last landing and catching up on supplies might be a worthy use of time.
“A bath? A bath! I don’t care if she’s the Tsarina of Russia she’s perfectly capable of taking a bath onboard the ship just like everybody else.”   
*[[Time is wasting; confront someone about the delay.]]
The captain blushes as he responds with a meekly “She was… very persuasive.
*[[Go to the boats, no use wasting this opportunity to load up on essentials.]]
You respond with a low moan of disappointment. If the diamond of the french theater Louise Remick is as beautiful as they say she is then the captain would turn this damn boat around to England if she so well pleased.
“Can you at least tell me where she went to have this bath?”
“Yes madam ill take you there right away.”   
At the finest establishment in Kyrenia resides Louise Remick. Being in haste you had no time to admire the Mediterranean architecture that is so predominant in Kyrenia.  The captain has lead you to a room specifically designed for baths it seems. You stand outside by the door and give the captain a stern look so that he goes away. You could either knock politely or charge right in, as long as this silly situation is resolved. Although teaching Louse a lesson in manners would be satisfactory. 
*[[Keep your manners and knock gently at the door]]
*[[Storm right in and teach Louise a lesson]]
[[Category: Lady Van Helsing]]
[[Category: Lady Van Helsing]]

Current revision as of 07:46, 25 May 2010

You ponder the telegram for a moment, tapping it on your knee pensivly. Not once since the Hyde case has Finks made the slightest communication with your family, and your memories, though vague, were of a man who intenstly disliked the company of other men. While frusturatingly opaque, you feel compelled to meet with Finks and discover the root of his telegram.

"Book the next ship out." You say to your butler. "I need to pack for heat..."

And hot it is, standing on the wood plank deck of the 'Pride of Isis', a waterwheel steamboat traveling up the Nile to Northern Egypt, after landing in Libya and spending nearly a week in the desert across the country. Your smooth skin has browned nicely in the sun, your cheeks and the tip of your nose burned reddish from the constant sun, even under your wide brimmed fedora. As you stare out on the sparkling water you feel the hot breeze brush your skin, your clothing unusually immodest for a woman of culture in response to the weather. Your traveling jacket is unlaced rather low, letting your bronzed skin breath, glistening with warm sweat between your slightly revealed cleavage. Most people would be uncomfortable in this heat but you find it refreshing after years of working mostly in cold damp England, the dry heat a pleasent change of pace.

You haven't had much time to think about Finks and his mysterious letter, the 'Pride of Isis' being a busy and often times noisy place. A constant flow of travelers, merchants, mercenaries, and criminals move on and off it, almost every day holding a new set of passangers up the legendary river. Many of them buzz about some mysterious celebrity passanger that has been sequestered to the main cabin since the journey began but you don't find yourself paticularly intralled by the gossip. Mostly you've had to watch your things and your femininity as the often roguish or downright dangerous often underestimate your abilities as a woman. Cairo is only three days away, leaving you ample time to consider your strategy with Finks when you arrive...

Suddenly you feel the boat choke to a stop. You are puzzled and a little frustrated; the boat stopped off only two hours ago, any more time is lost time. Other passengers seem to feel similarly confused but most are heading to the boats to stop off at the nearby town across the river. You consider confronting a crewmember about this; you are indeed here on business, but similarly you slept through the last landing and catching up on supplies might be a worthy use of time.

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