Go talk to her father.

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 03:05, 15 August 2009

Walking over to the girl's father a round of applause greets you. The girl's father notices the applause and sees his daughter. With a hesitation he quickly runs over to the girl and hugs her.

The father says, "Jill, I'm so glad to see you. I wasn't sure what happened to you."

Jill responds. "It's all thanks to the hero over here, He saved me from that man."

Jill's father walks over to you with tears in his eyes and asks, "How can I repay the great service you have done me."

After a short pause you ask him if he can help you get home. After telling him your story he tells you to head north. Near a mile north of town lives and old man who is said to hold all knowledge. Re-energized you begin to walk toward the north of town.

Jill quickly catches up to you and says, "I'm coming with, I want to make sure you get home...So what is the plan."

Pausing for a moment in front of the Inn you:

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