Turn and do a runner

From Create Your Own Story

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(Created page with 'You don't have time for this. You decide to turn and run. You are extremely fast, but you are not faster than a bullet. A shot rings out and you fall to the dirty street, clutch…')

Current revision as of 13:57, 14 November 2022

You don't have time for this. You decide to turn and run.

You are extremely fast, but you are not faster than a bullet. A shot rings out and you fall to the dirty street, clutching your leg in agony. The bullet has shattered your kneecap.

The matter of the dead thug is quickly cleared up, but you are now crippled for life. Your days as a slayer of monsters are over.

As you sit on the deck of the steamboat as it pushes away from the dock, you look out at the city of Cairo and all the adventure it entailed, and sigh and think longingly of the glamourous life you used to have.


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