Get into the missionary position

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 16:54, 16 December 2019

Wrapping your arms tightly around her you roll your entwined bodies to one side so you end up on top of, and still inside Jenna. She squeals, giggles, and squirms as she gets comfy, then puts her hands behind her head and stretches her legs wide apart, submitting to you completely.

You pause, just admiring her pretty face. She smiles and says softly, "Fuck me then!" and giggles. This time her laughter is cut short by you pushing your cock further into her silky pussy. She draws breath and falls silent, her mouth open and eyes wide. For several seconds the only sound in the room is a slight squeak from the aging metal bed's springs. Then Jenna groans your name so loudly that it makes you jump.

You take an ankle in each hand and put her legs over your shoulders, ensuring that with every thrust you're diving as deep inside her as possible. At first, your dick tingles from the caress of her soft, wet flesh. Soon, though, shocks of pure pleasure are pulsing through your entire body. You're both panting and moaning at the tops of your voices. No matter how hard or fast you fuck her she keeps calling out for more.

Suddenly an alarm sounds from across the room in Jenna's handbag. "Shit!" she says, motioning for you to stop. "That means my break is over in five minutes."


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