Option One w/ just Reggie.

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 07:04, 17 October 2018

"I'm down. But the others are too much for me right now." You look at the other guys who groan loudly feeling a bit guilty for leaving them hanging, but they begin packing up the cooler earnestly. "Lucky bastard" one of them tells Reggie, who laughs it off and calls back "Maybe next time, Perk!" They all give his fist a pound and Reggie gives his keys to one of them "Take care of her, get that fridge full, I bought last time."

And as they drain the cooler and carry it away you feel a twinge of regret that's washed away when he leans into your ear and whispers "I know a wicked spot for this kinda thing." And then throws his vest over you and lets you gather your things. Taking you into the woods across the street from the park, You both play it cool and nobody sees your barely covered upper-half before you both slip into tree cover.

Once you're out of danger Reggie lets you go and says "Nobody comes out here unless it's party night." He winks, "We common rats have a cool little pad up ahead so nobody has to take the shame walk anymore during keggers." He flicks his long hair out of his eyes and scratches his itchy looking beard before looking back at you with his green eyes. "I kinda can't believe we're doing this. I know I like, made the move, but I was sure you'd take the brews and the video games, and was mostly messing with the boys. I hope you don't think we were like... going to force you or anything." He looks worried stopping long enough for you to go ahead before following slowly.

"Do you often try and talk girls out of sex?" You smile quizzically and this seems to make him more comfortable. "Only the talented, pretty ones." You toss him his cargo vest back, now that you're confident you don't need it anymore. "I won't be needing that, now will I?" He catches it, replying "I hope not." gazing at your re-exposed chest and sliding his vest back over the white Tee-shirt covering his wirey frame.

Soon you come out to a small downward trail that leads into a lightly wooded clearing. You see what he was talking about, a well-tarped area with what appears to be improvised bedding underneath. "We bring chicks out here, as long as it's not too cold." You're surprised it's so clean, expecting to find used condoms everywhere and booze cans ordinating every blank space. "It's really clean and well maintained." He beams at your words, "Yeah, we have an arrangement with the local fish & game guy, he lets it go as long as we keep it spotless." While he admires his handiwork you slip off your pants. "I've never done this with anything but my dildo before, but I'm ready for that fun you promised."

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Skateboard, Backpack, chalk, sweaty top, stained bra, woven-vest.

Status Slightly Hot, Turned-On, Half-Naked
Gender Female
Social Group Skater
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