Near H03... seems safer (BROOKE)

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 11:08, 10 May 2008

"Come on, Ayane," You say, walking down a small, narrow path. You are so hungry and even though you have slept for hours and hours, you are still exahusted. You know that you can't go to sleep because now that twenty eight are dead, the other twenty two want to win and will do almost anything to win this game.

"Dude, we have to make camp and hold our ground until tomorrow comes,"

"I don't think she, Ayane," You respond. "We have to go and fight our way through the remaining teens. We can't just wait for someone else to kill them and then kill that person. What if we can't find him or her?"

"Then that sucks," Ayane responds. You roll your eyes, knowing that Ayane is just as hungry and tired as you are. But that doesn't mean she has to be a bitch about it.

Character: Brooke Harris
Alive: 22 students
Hours Remaining: 46
Weapons Aquired: Butcher Knife, Hatchet, Arrow, Gun, Uzi, Machete
Friends: Girl #17 Jenn Penn (ELIMINATED), Girl #18 Ayane Akiko, Girl #6 Kim Rhodes (ELIMINATED), Girl #5 Samantha Fulton (ELIMINATED), Girl #15 JC Lee (ELIMINATED)
Kills: Zeke Davidson and Trisha Harrison and Diane Fule and Hannah Allens

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