Have playtime with "baby" sister

From Create Your Own Story

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Revision as of 07:50, 9 October 2017

You approach the crib where your sister is quietly and slowly, you don't want to be too loud. You reach in and brush her hair, looking things over more intently. She has a "pacifier" to keep her content, though the pacifier is in the shape of the head of a cock. Pulling the blanket back, you see she's except for a thin diaper and a bib that says "Mommy's Little Cocksucker"

You had cum in her ass just a few moments ago, but you want to fuck her again! You want to see how far this goes, and degrade her as much as you can!

You get naked, than reapproach the crib. You take the pacifier out of your sisters mouth, making her fussy and start to cry. You stroke your cock in front of her between the bars of the crib, inviting her "Don't you worry baby, I've got something even better for you"

Your baby sister takes to it with great enthusiasm. Sucking your cock calms her right down, and you certainly feel good having it happen. You grab her hair with one hand and push your cock deep down her throat.

Good as this is, your mind starts to wander, as to how this feels for her. No school, no job, no chores. She gets doted on all day, plays games whenever she wants, and gets to masturbate and fuck as she pleases. You're not so sure you didn't just give her paradise

"I tellya baby sister, I think you've got it made right now. I wish I could have a life like this"

Despite not holding the coin, the green flash surrounds you and everything in the room.

When the light disappears, you find yourself on your back, in the crib, with a diaper on! You've made yourself a baby!

You try to look around for the coin, but you can't see it

Try to get someone's attention

Get the diaper off

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