Ask Koth what he wants

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Koth is interesting to you in that for the first time you've met a man whose wants and true desires are not entirely known to you. All of the other men who've courted you have been after your body, your wealth, and your crown. Koth seems only marginally interested in the first and not the least interested in the others.

"My plans are....flexible" You reply "As is the rest of me" You add for the sake of innuendo. "I'm welcome to Input Koth. What would you have us do?"

"Speaking freely, Your Majesty? I would continue riding with you towards the light of the new day. Show you a landscape and a people you'd never even see in your dreams. And, if it would please Your Majesty, you would be welcome to stay, so long as you pleased."

Your eyes are open with shock. You had never gotten such a plain, honest, and daring offer in your life. And yet, there is a small part of you that wants to take him up on the offer. Your life to this point had all become very routine, and while there have been pleasures(alot of them), the whole thing does become somewhat monotonous. Do you really want to do nothing except be the debauched ruler of merchants, artists, and prostitutes? On the other hand, do you want to leave that all behind?

Let Koth take you to his people

Ask Koth to take you back

See how Koth is as a lover first

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