TFA: You follow the Teedo

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The Teedo rides on for another half an hour, before you both get to some kind of old imperial ship thats rising out of the sand. Your a little surprised, because its far away from the usual sight of the graveyard. The Teedo rides towards it, and as it reaches the Ship the Teedo jumps of the elephant like creature, lands in the sand and turns towards you. With a hand sign the teedo makes you understand that you should follow inside. You do so, and you are kinde surprised as you hear a computer voice coming from a comsystem near the door. "Please enter your code" the voice says, and the teedo is typing something in. A second later the door opens, and you find your self in a little hallway, in front of a second door. The Door behind you closes and the voice says " The Ship is sealed. You can enter the living area now." The Teedo turns towards a little cabin, and puls a breathing mask, clearly build for humans, out of it. She hands it to you, and you put it on. Afterwards she turns towards the door and opens it. From on second to another a weird taste in your mouth and you find your self in an hot, Jungle like atmosphere. The whole Ship is filled with tropic plants, and its very warm, and right after you enter you see several green reptile creatures running around. You are surprised first, but than realize that this is probably how teedos really look. The one who brought you in, takes the clothes of now, and her mask und you get to see another little reptile creature. But you right away notice that she - on glanze towards her naked legs made you realize she is a she - is a little bit different than the others. She kind of reminds you of a human female, based on the forms of her body and her incredible bright yellow eyes, remind you of the sun. she puts her clothes and mask in other cabin, what this time allows you a good look at her pussy, and than she leads you through the sheep. The other Teedos seem a little surprised when they see you, but they continue with there business. She leads you into a room, that seems to be a redisigned Crew Room. There is no bed in it, anymore but instead of the bed there is somekind of artificial grass, and a lot of plants. she closes the door behind you too and than walks towards you. She puts on of her hands on your chest and lets it wander down your body, while she makes some weird hissing sounds. You understand that kind of behavior in any culture immideatly.

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