Try it with several horses

From Create Your Own Story

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Revision as of 01:55, 10 February 2012

You fly over to the nearest horse pub. Maybe you could get some of those nice stallions to please you.

When you land, the horses scatter and surround you with odd looks from all the male horses. Aperently "buisness" was slow today and there wasn't a female in sight.

That's good, you want all the nice horsies to yourself. You manage to barely squeeze your body through the glass door and you find yourself in a huge room lined with beds and curtains and nude horses, some of them masturbating eachother, others doing it to arses but they all turn to see you when you enter.

You blush as all the nude horses stare at your tits. You hear them mumbling all around the room. Your starting to think this was a bad idea but the urge is killing you! What do you do?

Say, "I'm sorry this is the wrong place, i'll be going now

Shyly ask, "I'm looking for something to put in my cunt, any takers?

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