Grudgingly meet with the Hellstroms.

From Create Your Own Story

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*[[Bow as well.]]
*[[Bow as well.]]
*[[Ignore the bow and get straight to business.]]
*[[Ignore the bow and get straight to business.]]
[[Category: Lady Van Helsing]]

Revision as of 08:43, 31 January 2010

"Take me to Lord and Lady Hellstrom!"

The servant guides you to the main hall past rows of ancient weapons and trophies from the Hellstrom family's long dark past. The castle only looks slightly more cared for on the inside, deep cracks in the masonry is covered by large tapestries bearing the Hellstrom name, and fissures in the rock lets rivulets of water drip down the walls in some places. You smile to yourself; the tapestry seem to be ironically symbolic of the Hellstrom family at this juncture in history: covering their broken foundation with amassed riches and fortune.

You enter the main hall, the most well lit and furbished room you've seen yet. A long table stretches down it's length adorned with hot food. Seeing you enter an elegant couple makes their way towards you. The man is young but worn looking, bitterly handsome but with a face strained by recent unkind years. The woman is also very beautiful with raven hair and stark elegant features. She too shows wear, with dark circles around her eyes that appear unhealthy at best. They both wear the dark regal clothes of Hellstrom royalty, almost military in severity but with touches of elitist edge thrown in for style. The man addresses you first.

"Greetings Lady Van Helsing. I am Victor Von Hellstrom." He bows at the waist.

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