Masochist me

From Create Your Own Story

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Insert some of the backstory here.
<!--'''Interviewer: '''
'''Me:''' -->
'''Interviewer:''' Tell me a little bit about how it started.
'''Me:''' Well, it all started when I was young. Very young. I think I was like 3. I would get in trouble, and, remember, this was from a time when it was still acceptable, my parents would spank me.
'''Interviewer:''' I don't understand. Even I was spanked when I was young.
'''Me:''' Yes, but how did you respond?
'''Interviewer:''' Well, I cried, of course. Ever child cries when they are spanked.
<i>I shook my head.</i>
'''Me:''' I didn't.
'''Interviewer:''' Really?
He looked at me strangely.
'''Interviewer:''' What did you do?
<i>I laughed.</i>
'''Me:''' Enjoyed it. The first memory I have is getting spanked. Then, spanking myself. Sadly, it didn't really hurt. Not like it did when my dad spanked me.
'''Interviewer:''' That is...strange.
'''Me:''' Well, you wouldn't be here, interviewing me, if I was <i>normal</i>, now would you?
<i>He shook his head no.</i>
'''Interviewer:''' So, you, reacted...differently to being spanked.
'''Me:''' Not just to being spanked. It was, well, everything.
'''Interviewer:''' Like?
'''Me:''' For example, when I got thumped, I remember repeatedly thumping myself. When my mom smacked my mouth, I remember smacking my own mouth after, over and over again.
'''Interviewer:''' So, why do you think you did that? What caused you to want to do that?
'''Me:''' Caused it? I don't think anything '''caused''' it. It just seemed I was...different. I was wired to enjoy it, or something.
'''Interviewer:''' That can't be right. Humans avoid pain, it is part of who we are.
'''Me:''' I don't. Oh, I avoid things that would actually cause damage, or scar, or things like that. I don't disfigure myself, or self harm or anything. I just...enjoy pain and humiliation.
<!-- Not sure I like this part. Hiding for now, I can always add it in again later '''Interviewer:''' All those tattoos, the piercings. Some might consider them scarring and disfiguring.
'''Me:''' Really? You find me ugly?
<i>He shook his head no.</i>
'''Me:''' Maybe you see them and see some disfigured woman, some hideous beast.
<i>He again shook his head no.</i>
'''Me:''' Okay, time to be completely honest. You are asking me to trust you, so I want to be sure that I can really trust you.
<i>He gave me a guarded look.</i>
'''Interviewer:''' What do you mean.
'''Me:''' Do you find me attractive?
<i>He paused, thinking about what he wanted to say.</i>
'''Interviewer:''' I find you attractive.
<i>I shook my head.</i>
'''Me:''' Not good enough. Tell me, in your own words, how attractive I am to you. With my piercings, my tattoos, my "disfigurements".
'''Interviewer:''' Sorry, that is now what I meant.
'''Me:''' Oh, then what did you mean? Tell me.
'''Interviewer:''' Okay.
<i>He took a deep breath.</i>
'''Interviewer:''' Honestly?
<i>I nodded, waiting for him to say what was on his mind.</i>
'''Interviewer:''' I find you the single most attractive and exotic woman I have ever seen in my life.
'''Me:''' But I thought you said "some people might find my tattoos and piercings disfiguring".
<i>He sighs, sitting there, reflecting inwardly.</i>
'''Interviewer:''' Let me try this again. The tattoos, the piercings.
<i>He squeezed his eyes shut, then opened them up again.</i>
'''Interviewer:''' I have seen people with horrible tattoos. I have seen people with body augmentations, excessive piercings, things like that. And, while some who knows what kind of a person you are might see them as something you did to yourself, not because you wanted, but because your need for pain pushed you to get them.
'''Me:''' What does that have to do with me? I am not trying to be some politician, some business woman. I am just trying to be me.
'''Interviewer:''' Yes, I guess so. I spoke before I thought.
'''Me:''' So, you find me the most attractive and exotic woman you have ever seen. Go on.
'''Interviewer:''' Well, you obviously have good taste. They don't take away from you. They...enhance...and they also separate you, make you...somehow more. Like a piece of art, a lovely woman, with jewels and paintings. -->
'''Me:''' Anyways, we should get back to what we were discussing. What made me the person sitting before you.
'''Interviewer:''' Yes, please.
'''Me:''' Anyways, so, I found myself sort of enjoying the pain. I guess I was a bit of a wild child. Oh, I loved my parents. But, they didn't seem to understand. They kept giving me what I wanted when I didn't do what they wanted me to. You know, same thoughts as most people have.
'''Interviewer:''' So, to you, they rewarded you, with a spanking, a smack, something like that, for the wrong behavior.
<i>I nodded.</i>
'''Me:''' Exactly. It was like you getting a candy. My parents were at their wits end. Eventually, as I got older, I started understanding how much I was hurting them, upsetting them. I guess I sort of turned inward. I stopped acting up to get rewarded, and instead started just...rewarding myself.
'''Interviewer:''' How so?
'''Me:''' Well, when I went to bed, I would take my belt, spank myself, over and over and over, until my butt was bright red, hot, felt aflame. I would go to sleep, enjoying the heat, the pain, raising from my butt.
'''Interviewer:''' Oh.
'''Me:''' My shrink calls it <b>sexual masochism disorder</b>. The classify it as class IV, or exclusive masochists. I cannot form typical romantic relationships and cannot achieve orgasm without pain or humiliation. But, I also do not go beyond a certain point, where I will be scarred or disfigured. Or even seriously injured. The only time I have had a broken bone was due to skiing, not due to my masochism.
'''Interviewer:''' Wait, you mean, when you were young, and doing this, it was for sexual gratification?
'''Me:''' No, obviously not. That did not come until I was older.
'''Interviewer:''' So, tell me about it.
:[[Masochist me/Some option to be inserted later]]
:[[Masochist me/Some option to be inserted later]]

Revision as of 06:51, 13 March 2017

Interviewer: Tell me a little bit about how it started.

Me: Well, it all started when I was young. Very young. I think I was like 3. I would get in trouble, and, remember, this was from a time when it was still acceptable, my parents would spank me.

Interviewer: I don't understand. Even I was spanked when I was young.

Me: Yes, but how did you respond?

Interviewer: Well, I cried, of course. Ever child cries when they are spanked.

I shook my head.

Me: I didn't.

Interviewer: Really?

He looked at me strangely.

Interviewer: What did you do?

I laughed.

Me: Enjoyed it. The first memory I have is getting spanked. Then, spanking myself. Sadly, it didn't really hurt. Not like it did when my dad spanked me.

Interviewer: That is...strange.

Me: Well, you wouldn't be here, interviewing me, if I was normal, now would you?

He shook his head no.

Interviewer: So, you, reacted...differently to being spanked.

Me: Not just to being spanked. It was, well, everything.

Interviewer: Like?

Me: For example, when I got thumped, I remember repeatedly thumping myself. When my mom smacked my mouth, I remember smacking my own mouth after, over and over again.

Interviewer: So, why do you think you did that? What caused you to want to do that?

Me: Caused it? I don't think anything caused it. It just seemed I was...different. I was wired to enjoy it, or something.

Interviewer: That can't be right. Humans avoid pain, it is part of who we are.

Me: I don't. Oh, I avoid things that would actually cause damage, or scar, or things like that. I don't disfigure myself, or self harm or anything. I just...enjoy pain and humiliation.

Me: Anyways, we should get back to what we were discussing. What made me the person sitting before you.

Interviewer: Yes, please.

Me: Anyways, so, I found myself sort of enjoying the pain. I guess I was a bit of a wild child. Oh, I loved my parents. But, they didn't seem to understand. They kept giving me what I wanted when I didn't do what they wanted me to. You know, same thoughts as most people have.

Interviewer: So, to you, they rewarded you, with a spanking, a smack, something like that, for the wrong behavior.

I nodded.

Me: Exactly. It was like you getting a candy. My parents were at their wits end. Eventually, as I got older, I started understanding how much I was hurting them, upsetting them. I guess I sort of turned inward. I stopped acting up to get rewarded, and instead started just...rewarding myself.

Interviewer: How so?

Me: Well, when I went to bed, I would take my belt, spank myself, over and over and over, until my butt was bright red, hot, felt aflame. I would go to sleep, enjoying the heat, the pain, raising from my butt.

Interviewer: Oh.

Me: My shrink calls it sexual masochism disorder. The classify it as class IV, or exclusive masochists. I cannot form typical romantic relationships and cannot achieve orgasm without pain or humiliation. But, I also do not go beyond a certain point, where I will be scarred or disfigured. Or even seriously injured. The only time I have had a broken bone was due to skiing, not due to my masochism.

Interviewer: Wait, you mean, when you were young, and doing this, it was for sexual gratification?

Me: No, obviously not. That did not come until I was older.

Interviewer: So, tell me about it.

Masochist me/Some option to be inserted later
Masochist me/Some other option to be inserted later
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