User talk:Platypus

From Create Your Own Story

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Since this page has become rather cluttered, I've moved old discussions to the archive page below.  Feel free to leave new messages here.  I'll get back to you ASAP!
----Since this page has become rather cluttered, I've moved old discussions to the archive pages below.  Feel free to leave new messages here.  I'll get back to you ASAP!
[[User talk:Platypus/Archive1]]
*[[User talk:Platypus/Archive1]]
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*[[User talk:Platypus/Archive3]]
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*[[User talk:Platypus/Archive5]]
*[[User talk:Platypus/Archive6]]
*[[User talk:Platypus/Archive7]]
*[[User talk:Platypus/Archive8]]
>Add new comments below.  Do not add new comments to the archive.
== What measure is an Underage ==
Hello! I contributed to a story called Sensual Realms (not created by me) that you deleted recently. I would like to know if I could somehow access the pages I had written for this story (to use them for another story or simply to save them on my PC, as I don't want to lose them).  --[[User:Fantasy]] 21:03, 23 January 2012
While it is of course a bit obvious that 6 or 10 is underage, what is the lower measure allowed on the site to not be considered underage?
Okay, I tried to fix the Q and C bit put it's still collapsed.--[[User:Snowball|Snowball- The Anti-Adult-Content Resistance Leader]] 11:09, 20 January 2012 (UTC)
While most countries make it illegal sexual '''images''' of women under 18, the age of consent varies, and with it the age you could '''write''' about probably does too.
The most common age of consent under 18 is 16, Japan seems to allow 14, last I checked my own country was 12, which surprised me, not taking it in consideration but thought important to mention.
Hey platypus the pervert 13 year old comic is a) incomplete or b) (not exactly sure sorry) missing pages can u put them in please and thank you  keep up the good work:)
Either way my point is, at what age is it allowed to be written about without breaking the "no underage sexual content" rule?
(I did search the archives, but could not find it. At best I found someone asking the same thing on Archive5, but it seems to have gone unanswered for them too.
Great, I have two pages in the Uncategorized pages, could you delete them? I kinda balnked out the story for future title-changing and stuff.
- [[User:WolfDFang|WolfDFang]] 12:55, 28 July 2021 (UTC)
--[[User:Snowball|Snowball- The Anti-Adult-Content Resistance Leader]] 11:57, 21 December 2011 (UTC)
I keep psting but I know I didn't cause it, and I don't know who did. The Adult Story Section fell in an earthquake again.
== Adding Images ==
--[[User:Snowball|Snowball- The Anti-Adult-Content Resistance Leader]] 17:04, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
Wow, well, that's enough reason to keep it around.--[[User:Snowball|Snowball- The Anti-Adult-Content Resistance Leader]] 16:48, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
Hey, I'm not sure if I'm asking in the right format, but is there no way to add an image in pages anymore? I tried the method in the tutorial of adding a link but all I get is a captcha circle. Sorry again if this question is in the wrong area/format!
Darn, click type 'Wiki:RPG' into the search box. It's shameless advertising, so what's going to happen to it?--[[User:Snowball|Snowball- The Anti-Adult-Content Resistance Leader]] 16:25, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
Edit - If it's not too much trouble, would you be able to send me a link to one of these new pages? So that I can hopefully replicate it? But if you're busy don't worry about it, I'll keep an eye out myself :)
And in other news, should there be a link to [[Choose Your Own Papal Adventure]]? The author doesn't seem to be working on it and it isn't connected to the main page. However, it says to not put it on but it won't find a new author that way.--[[User:Snowball|Snowball- The Anti-Adult-Content Resistance Leader]] 16:51, 17 December 2011 (UTC)
--[[User:Thevoid|Thevoid]] 15:69, 10 July 2021 (UTC)
Yeah, but he'll leave two newborn carcasses of barely started stories. He didn't even bother putting a category for one and the other didn't have brackets around it. Didn't notice the case sensitivity, either. Figure someone will pick it up someday.--[[User:Snowball|Snowball- The Anti-Adult-Content Resistance Leader]] 16:44, 17 December 2011 (UTC)
== Ban Tr0ll ==
Note: Adult story section got collapsed. Not sure how to fix it. Might remove other stuff in the process
Hey Plat, just wanted to tell ya that the user Tr0ll seems to have just redone his spam on the main page and who knows where else. That includes your talk page. I've been trying to reverse it wherever I can, but unless this person is banned, they'll likely just keep doing this nonsense.
--[[User:Snowball|Snowball- The Anti-Adult-Content Resistance Leader]] 16:04, 17 December 2011 (UTC)
Thanks. I realize now my first idea may be a bit too much to start with. Are there any rules against making a short CYOA just to get one's feet wet (and see if people actually like my writing. :0)? Or would it be better to write some pages of public stories? (Most public ones seem to be adult though. o.o) -- [[User:Captain.Devonin|Cpt. Devonin]]
Edit: Currently working on getting some of the conversations that were deleted from this page into the Archive 8 page and keeping some of the more recent stuff back on this page. I tried to just undo the troll's post, but got hit with the external link error.
Hi. Since you seem to be the person in charge, I was wondering if occassionally having formatting errors will get me in trouble? I will be posting from my phone and sometimes it utterly refuses to let line breaks 'work' no matter how many times I hit enter. (By work, I mean, it jumbles/smooshes my paragraphs together). Sometimes I can fix it, sometimes I can't. :/ On the same note is there a 'Request an Editor' thing so that maybe if it does happen you aren't having to be the one who corrects me all the time? Thanks. -- [[User:Captain.Devonin|Captain Devonin]]
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 03:02, 1 May 2021 (UTC)
I'm going to ask you, what are all the stuff in special Pages? There's wanted and unwanted and so on so forth. What are they for?
--[[User:Snowball|Snowball]] 22:32, 28 November 2011 (UTC)
== Alternative home for Smutty? ==
Thanks for the clarification. I guess unwanted pages would be already written.
--[[User:Snowball|Snowball]] 11:28, 29 November 2011 (UTC)
Sorry Platypus, the original author is a friend of mine and he's asked me to take over his story. I have a couple of stories and am hoping to merge them into one, so I can focus on writing one large, interconnected one rather than a couple of smaller ones.
Do you have Smutty Sex Romp up on a different site, P? If not, have you considered relocating? [[User:Anedwcan|Anedwcan]] 13:13, 4 May 2020 (UTC)
I don't think I'm up to the high standards you set on your site.  I won't trouble you anymore with uncategorized pages and I apologize for the time you've had to spend cleaning up after me.  If you could please post the contents of the page you deleted on my talk page, I'll copy them elsewhere.  Thanks.
Platypus - I'm new to this site and have been having fun creating stories. After your warning about categorizing pages, I added categories to my pages.  Apparently, I forgot to add a category to one of my pages last night and you deleted it.  Please restore the content of that page so I can add a category.  I am still in the middle of editing this story. I'm not going to continue spending hours writing stories on this site if a simple mistake like this causes you to delete all of my work. 
I looked a little further into that Miraheze wikifarm Durzan recommended; seems like they might actually allow a site like this. The most similar (to CYOS) existing site I found was Star Wars Erotica Wiki ( (EDIT: and it's not so similar as I thought; it links to a separate CYOA style star wars erotica wiki, and I confused the two, but it's still a decent example of a markedly adult site hosted on the Miraheze platform). And a few years ago someone made a request for a Yiff wiki that was approved, so I can't see them turning down a CYOS style site (you can see the discussion about the Yiff wiki here->
Hey Platypus,
Main NSFW content rules seem to be that  
I made some changes to links in The Story of Jack Foster, and all three links suddenly took the reader into Smutty sex Romp. I guess the author of that page, who doesn't seem to be active any longer, must have intended for this to happen, but it just seems really odd.
Can you let me know your thoughts on this? I will change all the links back if you think I should, it just seemed like a mistake at first so I corrected one, then another. When I saw that the third link of the three on that page led there too, I thought i should check in with you...
Thanks in advance!
--[[User:Starry]] 20.14, 19 November 11
Hey platypus, I was hoping you could add another few... Or alot more pages and options to the story A New Life in the section of a college girl with a bladder problem. Please add alot of new and exciting pages that relate to the topic, by myself I think I've added atleast 5 or more pages but I'm not even as close to as good as you in editing and adding plus one other reason is that it is not as fun when your the only user editing and adding to that story in which you have to create all the pages and when you read ten you already know what will happen. Please add alot of pages and exciting new options to the story in the college girl with a bladder problem Section. Thanks. From: Shawnbunbun. Once again thanks.-November 15th at 6:10 PM (AKA 18:10 Army time).
1. Everything has to be legal in Netherlands, U.S., and U.K., (so rule 1 still stands, since underage sex stories are a legally grey area at best) and
>.< As far as I knew the grammar isn't too horrible. I'm pretty sure I got spelling correct... is it just the random capitals for words that shouldn't be capitalized that's bugging you? And I'll remember about the Category's. ^^ Btw new to leaving messages so sorry if I've messed up. Just found this site last night.
2. No pornographic images of real people (drawings and 3D renders seem to be fine)
--[[User:Xx.Fate.Eater.xX|Xx.Fate.Eater.xX]] 14:06, 08 November 2011
Hey, I was wondering if you could create two pages, a public and a so-called private. This could lessen the chances of people editing stories that were only supposed to be edited by one person. in fact, a completed section where nothing could be edited could be placed as well. Tell me what you think or if you want, just create the section.
It's possible I've missed something else important in the Content Policy, so you might want to have a look at it for yourself ( Additionally, Miraheze is free and ad-free.  
--[[User:Snowball|Snowball]] 03:04, 23 October 2011 (UTC)
Regarding the transfer of stories, the 'import' function would almost definitely be available to Bureaucrats (MediaWiki permission defaults even let Admins use it). So moving Smutty Sex Romp and Rampage would be very possible, if time consuming (as only small xml files can be imported using 'import,' around 100 pages in size). I'll make another set of Smutty Sex Romp xml files suitable for transferring this way soon. I'd be happy to help you import them if you'd like.
Hey Platypus, I dropped by the site this morning to do some additions to my stories and noticed that both of them have been removed from the main page. To my knowledge neither have been deleted and I am greatful for that. I am unsure what I have done or how I have offended you to make you want to remove peoples access to my stories. I won't make any additions until hearing from you or revert the changes you made. I realize that I, personally haven't made any recent additions to them but since they were still being read and other people were starting contribute I didn't think this would be a problem. If I have done something to offend you then I am sorry, if you would have dropped me a line on my talk page then I am sure we could have worked it out. Please let me know what you would like me to do or not do. Thanks,--[[User:Blackdragon25|Blackdragon25]] 15:08, 22 October 2011 (UTC)
I know you said you weren't considering relocating right now, but maybe some of this will be useful in the future. Seems like RobKohr has no plan to fix the issues any time soon (
If you don't mind my asking, why are you so hesitant to relocate?
Hey Platypus again, on the main page The Devils Daughter has no apostrophe if I put an apostrophe wouldn't it totally spaz out?
--[[User:Pickles|Pickles]] ([[User talk:Pickles|Talk]]) 17:34, 8 August 2020 (UTC)
:Oh, that makes sense. You were working on it quite a bit earlier this year though. I figured you'd stopped because of how ungodly slow the website has become, and I hadn't considered that you might have lost interest.
Sorry Platypus about not putting down the Category, my bad there, still getting the hang of this system!! Forgive me :D 
-- Not sure what you mean by the last message I received, as I copied off of the main tutorial page on how to add category.
:So far as my understanding goes, you'd still have plenty of ability to keep litter out on the other farm. If you create a new wiki on Miraheze, you'll have the Bureaucrat user rights. And it would be ''your'' wiki: you could write up the rules any way you wanted to, with even more power to enforce them. If you were to switch over, you would not have to worry about any loss of content moderating authority.
:And trying it out has almost no risk. It's possible that they won't allow smut on their servers, and the worst case where they decide not to host the wiki, nothing really changes. We're just stuck on editthis, with one more possibilty ticked off the list.
Sry, I'm from germany and those hs cause me alot of trouble:D By the way, this was my first writing here and I would appreciate some feedback maybe. Thanks for the correcting
:Of course there is no real urgency as far as moving is concerned, but it would be great to read and edit Smutty (and any other stories that would be moved over) on a website that works. I'll stop buzzing in your ear about it, but please give Miraheze some consideration and let me know if you change your mind.  
--[[User:MCGeddo|MCGeddo]] 21:37, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
:--[[User:Pickles|Pickles]] ([[User talk:Pickles|Talk]]) 02:22, 9 August 2020 (UTC)
Is what TheSugarTrail is doing with that story of his anything more than spam? Story starts out with pick your hair color. 4 options. Then nothing changes from that other than simple hair color. Then after that comes eye color 3 options again nothing changes b/c of this. Finally a name is picked with 6 options. Nothing changes in the story based on these 3 things. Then you gotta do the math 4 x 3 x 6 = 72 pages per page of actual story. SEVENTY TWO PAGES PER PAGE OF ACTUAL STORY!!!
== Am I doing this right? ==
The story currently has about 232 pages. Roughly 10 of these 232 pages are not simply a clone of another page with 1 word or letter changed. Each additional actual page to the story will be needed to have 71 clones of it to keep the story going.
I probably should have done a little more lurking before contributing to your story. Smutty Sex Romp is a wonderful work, and I wanted (want) to help add to it. Anyway, I might have jumped the gun a little. I made an account and added a few contributions before realizing Smutty Sex Romp was your work, and that you have perhaps higher standards than I can meet right now (knowing very little about creative writing, formatting a wiki, and whatnot). The first place I contributed was in your story, when I should've started in the sandbox.  
I got a little carried away. Not that seven pages is insane, but I figured I should stop here and make sure what I've added is okay. It's easier to delete or fix seven pages than seventy (especially with the dial-up speed this site is running at). And since it's your story it's a-okay with me if you decide to delete all of my additions, no questions asked. I like what you've got going here, and I don't want to throw ants in your cereal.  
--[[User:Yihman1|Yihman1]] 22:03, 5 September 2011 (UTC)
--[[User:Pickles|Pickles]] 06:00, 11 May 2020 (UTC)
:Hello again! I was looking through the '''[[:Category:Pages Requiring Attention|Pages Requiring Attention]]''', and all of them had a 'This database did not find the text of a page..." error message. I figured you'd deleted or moved them, but for whatever reason the category stuck. I blanked [[Paladin/Caladbolg18|this one]] to see if that would remove the category stamp. Of course it did, but now the page doesn't have a category (which I've heard annoys you). I think I want you to delete [[Paladin/Caladbolg18]] for me, if it's not too much trouble. Is it normal that moved/deleted pages keep categories like this, or is this something else?
:I've been wondering about those [[Special:SpecialPages|maintenance reports]] as well. I don't want you to go out of your way if the answer is complicated, but do they work at all? The [[Special:UncategorizedPages|uncategorized pages]] and [[Special:DeadendPages|deadend pages]] reports would be handy if they actually updated.
== Archiving The 'General Discussion' Page & Other ==
:Also, do you have a category for delete requests? I'm sorry if this isn't the place to ask for them.  
Like what you did with your own user talk page, perhaps you should do the same thing with the 'General Discussion' page.  It's got a ridiculous amount of subtopics on the page and most of them are dead. I'd like to use that page more often and maybe help people with their problems other than just you having to toil away being admin and all.
Also, maybe we could have a 'Story of the Year Award'. The nominations for this award could include the stories that were featured in the year. There would be a separate page where people can vote for a story. Voting can be done by making pages called (( Voting: Nomination )) and people can just click on the page to vote, the amount of views that were done on that page will decide the winner. --[[User:Heyoeveryone|Heyoeveryone]] 23 October 2011
:In any case, thanks for helping me out! --[[User:Pickles|Pickles]] 17:39, 15 May 2020 (UTC)
:I'm in full agreement about the General Discussion page needing an archive.  I'd be happy to contribute towards making that a reality, too. [[User:JackalRobot|JackalRobot]] 19:38, 20 November 2011 (UTC)
P.S. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly on my last message! I'm glad I've got your seal of approval.  
P.P.S. Is it just me or is the site loading faster today?
::I decided to full-on go ahead and '''be bold''', so I did it.  Everything prior to 2010 is now in an [[Talk:Main Page/Archive1|archive page]].  If more discussions did take place on the General Discussion page, I can see a system that had archived sections divided by topic, e.g. an archive for questions about writing stories, an archive for questions about how to edit a wiki, an archive for promoting a particular story.  But that's the future, and I'll probably have cyborg bits by then. [[User:JackalRobot|JackalRobot]] 19:56, 20 November 2011 (UTC)
== Found an ad ==
== Dating Site Ads ==
[[User:Netconnekt|Netconnekt]]'s user page is an ad. I saw you deleted the dubaitours thing, so I figure this sort of account is not allowed.
--[[User:Pickles|Pickles]] 01:09, 25 May 2020 (UTC)
I know you've probably noticed this by the time you read this, but some person changed the Main Page to some crappy dating site ad. Thankfully, I happened to go on about 45 minutes after this incident and switched it back to the previous addition. This is really starting to piss me off, the Dating Site Ads I mean. Just checking the recent changes now, I see two spam accounts that were just made, with one being the account responsible for doing the griefing on the site. Hopefully this rubbish can finally end. I don't know who is doing this, but one thing is for sure, they must be really bored. --[[User:Heyoeveryone|Heyoeveryone]] 9 October 2011
[[User:Reviewruk|Reviewruk]]'s user page is ''also'' an ad (and a fishy service if you ask me). I wonder if we're on some list of good wikis to advertise on. Interestingly enough, another company has made an account but not posted a link (yet). [[User:Lwayservice|Lwayservice]] is a net dev company (akin to Netconnekt), but they didn't create any pages.  
--[[User:Pickles|Pickles]] 03:41, 10 June 2020 (UTC)
[[User:Woodframe|Woodframe]]'s new page [[User talk:Woodframe]] is an ad. First paragraph is so deeply introspective that I almost didn't realise it was an ad. --[[User:Pickles|Pickles]] 18:01, 11 June 2020 (UTC)
Apparently they are at it again, if I did it correctly I changed the main page back to your previous edit. It's amusing in a way because they actually think people looking for a choose your own adventure style text based site like this are doing to see some dating advertisements in "not-really English" and go like oh, let me check that out instead. I also updated two of the stories I have been working on for # of pages as they were out of date. --[[User:Rouge|Rouge]] November 18, 2011
[[User:Ingdarenth|Ingdarenth]]'s user page is ''also'' an ad. [[User:Leonel Sohns|Leonel Sohns]] 09:06, 8 July 2021 (UTC)
== Review Area ==
[[User:Fivesdigital|Fivesdigital]]'s user page is ''also'' an ad. [[User:Leonel Sohns|Leonel Sohns]] 11:33, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
Hey Platypus, i've recently finished my last story (though, I need to read it over for grammatical errors), and I was thinking that I should, instead of making another story, I would perhaps make a reviewing area, if this works out well, this could increase publicity for stories which should be read, encourage writers to continue writing on this site, and also give writers constructive criticism (e.g. one choice stories).
[[User:Harrygood9898|Harrygood9898]]'s user page is ''also'' an ad. [[User:Leonel Sohns|Leonel Sohns]] 14:14, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
You should be asking by now, why are you asking me? Well, I already asked TheElderOnes, and he says it's a good concept, now i'm just here to ask you if you find it good as well. Perhaps, even helping me do reviews, since you are, a well known person on this site. -- [[User:Heyoeveryone|Heyoeveryone]] 7:36 (AEST), 21 September 2011
== Red Options ==
A few more questions, where does my review page go? I kind of don't want it to be in some section were no one would see it, since the whole point of this idea is to increase publicity for stories which should be more popular and of course, make consturctive criticisms about the writers story. Also, who are some people you would think are capable and willing to help me write the reviews? -- [[User:Heyoeveryone|Heyoeveryone]] 16:48 (AEST) 21 September 2011
I'm not sure if it's been brought up before. I've been lurking for a little as an anon and wanted to start contributing to stories: some of which have red options nobody has fleshed out (in some cases for well over a year as far as I can tell). Do red options that haven't been written belong to the person, or are they free game to make into a page?
Maybe you could somehow mix them together. Say, add a third column, then add a link on the main page to all the reviews. The link could tell the reader how the reviews are done. -- [[User:Heyoeveryone| Heyoeveryone]] September 23 2011
== Fredhot16 ==
Cool! Just tell me when you're ready. Though, I think that I may need help with this project. Since I can't play through every single story without becoming too stressed (I don't want this to become a 'real' job). Plus, I have some personal issues to attend to, so I cannot necessarily log in every day. So I'm suggesting that we should make a 'ad' for people willing to review, they can send you or me a message detailing why he or she should be allowed to review. Or, we can go a easier way and just make a 'user reviews' section. Then, if we find certain reviews that are of high quality, we just move it to the 'official reviews' section.
Yo. I'm thinking of coming back to this website but not fully until I have something to write about. Just curious: what happened to the edit button on the Main Page?
Oh and sorry for the late reply. --[[User:Heyoeveryone|Heyoeveryone]] 20:57 (AEST) 24 September 2011
-October, 15, 2021, 02:09.
Hey, can you umm... make the reviews page for me, i'm kind of scared when changing the site such as this. You can leave it red linked if you want, and i'll just add in the stuff. -- [[User:Heyoeveryone|Heyoeveryone]] 30 September 2011
== Thanks for the deletes ==
Thank you!!! And you're welcome to write reviews anytime. --[[User:Heyoeveryone|Heyoeveryone]] 2 October 2011
Hi Platypus. Thanks for deleting the pages I blanked. I was about to ask if you would do that. :) (I assume you looked and saw I was the only contributor.) [[User:DirtyOldMan|DirtyOldMan]] 20:43, 16 March 2022 (UTC)
== Question on something that could be considered a "nonstory" ==
== Having a problem creating an account ==
Hi, Platypus, do you know how to make a personalized status indicator? I'd like to get rid of the MP stuff and add more stuff on it -[[User:Storylover141|Storylover141]] 17:56 PDT, 25 September 2011
Hello. Obviously, I have an account on Create Your Own Story, but I want to create an account on the main page. I keep trying, but the same thing happens every time. I put in the username and the password. I made sure that the passwords were the same. I did the captcha. But every time I go to create the account, I get an error message: "Could not open socket in ./common/recaptcha/recaptchalib.php". I don't know who else to tell about this, so here I am. If you don't know anything about this, then could you please tell someone else who does. Thank you.
All right. So, I've been plotting this big universe in which my stories occur, and after writing a certain story, I plan on finally writing a really big story that involves characters from all of the stories (and new ones, of course), meeting up and sh- stuff. But, what I had been planning is writing a little bit of a supplementary thing, bridging some of the events of the stories and connecting them before the real fun can begin.
- [[User:TheFreddyFazbear54|TheFreddyFazbear54]] 13:57, 30th July 2022 (UTC)
However, this would just be in a diary format, with "forward" and "backwards" options being on pages. Now comes my question - would it be cool if I did that as a separate story, or should I add it in as pages in the Elderpedia (this is my current idea)... I could, of course, do it on another site, but that's the least attractive option. The pages, if added to the Elderpedia would have a title that clearly defines them as part of the Elderpedia, but with a marker like "Elderpedia:BCDiary1" or something similar. Now that I'm ranting, I think it's simpler to end this here. Just wanted to get your opinion on this before going through with it. --[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 12:00, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
== Final touches to the Tutorial ==
Shall do, good sir. --[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 12:27, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
Hello. I was poking around the wiki and noticed that the Tutorial needed a bit of a clean-up, so I've tried my best. Unfortunately, the [[how_to_create_a_page|page creation]] page is protected and there's something I think would be a very helpful addition. The addition and the edits I made are on the [[Talk:Tutorial|Tutorial Discussion]], but feel free to change anything that you want. I figured you were the admin and might be able to edit the protected page. Thanks.
Unrelated to the above question, but I don't want to clutter your page with headlines - Does this wiki have an IRC chat yet? It seems like it would, and a good amount of other wikis have their own. It'd be a good way for people to ask questions to each other, and could even lead to ideas for new stories. I dunno, I just think that this kind of thing would be interesting and was wondering if we already had one set up or not. --[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 07:03, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
- [[User:TheFreddyFazbear54|TheFreddyFazbear54]] 22:05, 31 July 2022 (UTC)
Adding here for the same reason stated in my last message here. I saw your discussion with Heyoeveryone, and your ideas on the review page. I thought of a way you could combine them if you want, like the review page being separate like the featured story, as in your first idea, and then once a--[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 22:42, 2 November 2011 (UTC) story is reviewed there, you could do a third column link to either the review page or the specific review.
- [[User:TheGreenRaider|TheGreenRaider]] 13:47, 26, Dec 2022(UTC)
In case it's a bit oddly phrased (Which I'm sure it is), I dicked around for a minute and threw together [[Delete:ReviewExample|this]] to serve as a visual aid. --[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 05:58, 22 September 2011 (UTC)
== Adopting other Interactives from other sites ==
More spam, dude. [[How can established folks perceive estimable absol|Here,]] [[I thought this was about time I acquainted myself‎|here,]] and [[It is primo how mavericks must not fully explain a|here,]] and the users in question are [[User:Andreatsde|Andreatsde,]] [[User:Randyjukla|Randyjukla]] and [[User:Beatrizwbm|Beatrizwbm.]] --[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 07:33, 23 September 2011 (UTC)
Hi. I been looking at the number of stories, both kid-friendly and XXX-rated and I been thinking of allowing other content from other sites, both dead or infinantus-haitus and allowing both the original creators and contributors from those sites to post here. I know of a couple of good adult-heavy interactives from that bully site that would struggle but accept the transfer. Personally, this was my second-best interactive site before the wacko admin of committed a free-user genocide and banned everyone else from entering the site, to mine crypto, I guess?
This is just gonna be my little section of the page, hope you don't mind. Anyways, I noticed that we have the <nowiki>{{incomplete}}</nowiki> thing, which generates the "incomplete pages" warning. What I'm wondering is this: Do we have one that would do one for categorization warning, and if we don't, why not? It'd be quite useful, as there's someone getting warned for this very reason almost every day, where as the incomplete thing is maybe once a week or so, it seems. It'd be so easy to just thrown <nowiki>{{categorization}}</nowiki> on a page and have it tell them, and if someone wants to personalize the message or whatever, they could just type it in on their own.
- [[User:TheGreenRaider|TheGreenRaider]] 14:27, 26, Dec 2022(UTC)
Just, uh... just a thought. --[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 01:03, 1 November 2011 (UTC)
== Is this website dead? ==
Ah, finally! A template. <nowiki>{{warn1}}</nowiki> shall not go to waste here - that I'm sure of. Also, that O.D.S.T. person below was annoying. Just saying. --[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 22:42, 2 November 2011 (UTC)
Is there any consistent updates of storys and active members?
Wow, I just saw what GreatGrapes or whatever the fuck his name was did in the Recent Changes log. What an immature brat. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't expect him to get himself into some sort of shit when he started claiming stories were parts of other stories and making an "admins" page with his name on it. Also, that was probably the worst attempt at vandalism I've ever seen.
But, hey. Bein' the only admin is a tough job. I guess you're kinda guaranteed to get vandalized/targeted when you've got power like that.
The link I changed didn't match up with the continuation of the the story path
Oh well, such is life on CYOAWiki. --[[User:TheElderOnes|TheElderOnes]] 03:54, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
*[[Go find Jenny to apologize.]]
Hey, i'm so sorry that i keep on forgetting to categorize my posts. I'M SO SORRY! i'm new to this site, and i did'n't mean to! i'm so, so, sorry! forgive meeeeee!!!! --[[User:TeamJack|TeamJack]] 1:48, 18 November 2011 (UTC)
That's after he just agreed to only be with the daughter but the mom then rejected him in the same path so the two paths conflict?
I promise i will be more careful. If i forget to catagorize a post, i will IMMEDEATELY fix it. --[[User:TeamJack|TeamJack]] 3:27, 18 November 2011 (UTC)
*[[Agree to Jenny's terms.]]
That was accedental! i was rushing out hte door when i was doing that And forgot to change it! i'm fixing it now. --[[User:TeamJack|TeamJack]] 6:41, 18 November 2011 (UTC)
Is contradicts this path
== General Disclaimer ==
*[[Deny that you were looking at Jenny's cleavage.]]
Please understand that, well, the General Disclaimer page was indeed not part of a story, it is a legal page.  It <nowiki>[most likely]</nowiki> freed this site from liability including slander and defamation.
[[user:O.D.S.T.|O.D.S.T.]] - '''''Proin sit amet nisi scientiam nostrum''''' 23:21, 26 September 2011 (UTC)
== Uncategorised ==
== Could you rename some pages ==
Hey, I was wondering if you could rename a few pages? Specifically I was wondering if you could rename these pages:[[Josh._An_18-year_old,_brown-haired_football_player]], [[Miranda._A_17-year-old_brown-haired_girl]], and [[Chelsea._The_36_yo,_blonde-haired_volleyball-playing_mother_of_the_3_kids_above]].
I've been popping in a few categories for people that forgot and throwing the odd <nowiki>{{warn1}}--~~~~</nowiki> onto talk pages, and it has just this second dawned on me that I really should've cleared that with you first. My apologies about that.  Are you cool with me continuing to do so? [[User:JackalRobot|JackalRobot]] 09:01, 23 November 2011 (UTC)
Specifically I'd like them to be renamed by increasing the ages of Miranda and Josh by a year and change blonde-haired to brunette.
So, you sent me a message about a status bar... And, I'm not sure what that is.
--[[User:Krinkel|Krinkel]] 16:59, 26 November 2011 (UTC)
== Revert, don't delete ==
- [[User:v4n1ll4l0v3r|v4n1ll4l0v3r]]
Hi Platypus,
== Smutty Sex Romp on CHYOA ==
I might be new around here but coming from Wikipedia I'd like to offer some friendly advice: Feel free to revert changes you don't approve of. But do not wholesale ''delete'' contributions, especially from newcomers, if you want them to stick around.
Hey Platypus, the person who plagarized Smutty Sex Romp onto CHYOA still has the story in place. IIRC, we originally left it there as the staff figured that there was a statement on this website that the stuff on was basically public domain, but we could easily be mistaken on that and one of the people working on the CHYOA version mentioned in the story comments that they loved the story and were actually trying to preserve as much of it as possible by transferring it over (Server issues on editthis are a bitch, as we both know).
Simple: reverted changes can still be found, edited, and thus - improved upon.
Anyway, someone else filed a report on this, and so we're looking into it again. There's sort of a de facto length requirement for stories on CHYOA too. The first chapter needs to have a minimum of 250 words and have a story hook, and subsequent chapters should be at least 100 words long. Arguably Smutty Sex Romp would need a bit of an overhaul to meet those standards, so we could a) just delete it outright or b) have someone go through and flesh it out a bit more.
Deleted pages can't be accessed by the newcomer, and thus they are probably lost (the nature of a wiki is such that you aren't really supposed to have to keep private copies of your contributions).
If you still have access to your CHYOA account, I can outright just transfer ownership of the story to you, and you can do flesh it out and continue working on it a bit more as you see fit. That way you have control over your work, and a place to transfer the basic game/story to in case the server slowness becomes a bigger issue and/or the servers go down.
I guess let me know what you decide. In the meantime, I have put a disclaimer on the first page with a link to the original on the page to give you credit.
So I have a deal for you, Platypus. If you use your administrative powers to restore the pages of mine you deleted, I promise to work with you in improving the language and correcting the POV issues. Do we have a deal? :)
--[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 17:16, 10 February 2025 (UTC)
== All Adult Stories reference  web address changed. ==
[[User:Anedwcan|Anedwcan]] 06:56, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
== Name Changing? ==
The similar wiki mentioned on the All Adult Stories page has long since changed their web address '''(https<span></span>://'''. Please change it when you get the chance. --[[User:Durzan|Durzan]] 23:03, 22 February 2025 (UTC)
Hi, I was wondering if you had the ability to change the name of pages or anything? If so... could you change the name of [[SM:Keep Waiting|this page]] to SM:Waiting Room for me please? Thanks, in either case. :) -- [[User:Captain.Devonin|Cpt Devonin]]
Thanks again, and for changing the links on the other 2 pages so they link correctly again. :) -- [[User:Captain.Devonin|Cpt Devonin]]
== Couple Questions ==
Hi Platypus,
Just got couple quick questions for you.
1) For the Pit of Abandoned Stories, what defines "a long while?" A month, two, three? I've been browsing some of the stories and I've found a handful with sub-10 pages and haven't been worked on since September (or later). I was considering moving them to the pit but I wasn't sure if 3 months was long enough, and if regular users like myself are allowed to move stories there.
2) In a similar vein, I notice there are like 6 red links on the main page. It looks like someone went to add a story but then never even bothered to write the first page. I was considering seeing how long some had been sitting there and if it had been a month, or longer, I was just going to remove them. Is that alright with you? Or is a month not long enough?
3) Is there a way to hide pages/keep them from the recent changes? I'm guessing not, but... figured I'd ask. I have another story idea but I'd prefer people not read as I'm writing it and just when I post it when I finish (which shouldn't take too long, I have this one planned out and its' only ~40-50 pages).
Ultimately it probably doesn't matter, though. Someone will probably stumble on it while I'm writing. I just remember seeing something about a way you can mark stories (I thought it was using the 'mark as minor change' button but I still see those in the changes list) to keep them hidden.
Also, if I am bugging you too much, feel free to hit me.
-- [[User:Captain.Devonin|Cpt. Devonin]]
== Main Page Adjustments ==
True enough, I didn't think about the vandals thing.
And to maybe save you some legwork, I moved the following to the Pit:
* [[The broken story of stupidness :P]] (14 pages but hasn't been worked on since 14 Sept 2011 and is... kinda bad.)
* [[Castle Adventure]] (1 Page; Worked on Oct 12 2010)
* [[After the Fire]] (1 Page, Oct 22 2010)
* [[Chaos]] (2 Pages, March 7 2010)
* [[Born to be Bad]] (8 Pages; June 9th 2010)
* [[Artemis Fowl]] (7 pages; Sept 9 2010)
* [[Antoinette's story]] (2 Pages; April 21 2011)
* [[Adventure of a Half Blood]] (8 pages; Mar 11 2011)
* [[Adventure Island]] (2 pages; April 5 2011)
That is assuming the "last modified" date at the bottom of every page is the date it was last worked on (checked every page in each story to make sure there was nothing more current).
I also removed all the redlinks on the main page from PG-13. My phone can't load the whole main page so I can only edit by section. I'll probably move some more when I find another 10 or so. If you'd rather I not mention anything here just let me know and I'll keep quiet in the future.
-- [[User:Captain.Devonin|Cpt. Devonin]]
== How will i know if you created the story? ==
Is there something that will show up or something? And, I'm sorry that I don't meet the expectations on your stories, and i won't add on to your stories anymore,  and you can go ahead and ban me, I won't get on for a while anyway, I have to get my computer screen fixed, my s button fixed, and a bug off my computer. Because of my screen, i can't see most anything i type, but, i deserve what you said, "Do not even try to contribute to any of my stories." So, bye. (By the way, i'm new to this, of course, so, if there are two of what i put down, or it doesn't show up right, go ahead, get pissed off at me) [[Luigi]]... I think i finally learned how  to do the category thing now -_-
== Instructions to remember pages? ==
I have a question I can't find any discussion of, but since I'm interested in your view on "Smutty" specifically, I'm asking you directly:
What about instructions to "remember" pages? That is, the text gives a link you're supposed to remember (bookmark etc) but not yet visit. Only at some specified later time are you to navigate to the given page.
For example, on [[Resume boffing the booth babe from behind|this page]] I'm thinking to give "you" the reader an option to visit the booth babe later. Say in the caveman's cave you reach from the costume shop (or somewhere else several steps later in the story). Instead of duplicating the entire tree of options between now and then just to be able to present that one additional choice at the appropriate time, it would be easier/cleaner to simply instruct the player to copy/bookmark a special link when "you find yourself in a caveman's cave". If read at that time the linked page would pick up the story (and make sense). If read at any other time, it would be meaningless.
Much like in a dead-tree CYOA when you see "You have found the silver key. When you see a silver door, turn to paragraph 123. This choice is not presented in the text at that time. Do not go to this paragraph now, instead continue at..."
If you find this interesting I'll write up the page for you to examine. Just thought to ask first not to waste my effort if you want to keep the story (or the whole site) free of bells and whistles such as that. [[User:Anedwcan|Anedwcan]] 20:21, 12 January 2012 (UTC)
== Embedding Pictures ==
Is it OK to embed some random pics from google into a story?
Most of it is fanart (no copyrights) but i m not sure about all of them.
-Zoroastra (P.S. : How do you link to your user talk page?)

Current revision as of 23:03, 22 February 2025

Since this page has become rather cluttered, I've moved old discussions to the archive pages below. Feel free to leave new messages here. I'll get back to you ASAP!


What measure is an Underage

While it is of course a bit obvious that 6 or 10 is underage, what is the lower measure allowed on the site to not be considered underage?

While most countries make it illegal sexual images of women under 18, the age of consent varies, and with it the age you could write about probably does too. The most common age of consent under 18 is 16, Japan seems to allow 14, last I checked my own country was 12, which surprised me, not taking it in consideration but thought important to mention.

Either way my point is, at what age is it allowed to be written about without breaking the "no underage sexual content" rule? (I did search the archives, but could not find it. At best I found someone asking the same thing on Archive5, but it seems to have gone unanswered for them too.

- WolfDFang 12:55, 28 July 2021 (UTC)

Adding Images

Hey, I'm not sure if I'm asking in the right format, but is there no way to add an image in pages anymore? I tried the method in the tutorial of adding a link but all I get is a captcha circle. Sorry again if this question is in the wrong area/format!

Edit - If it's not too much trouble, would you be able to send me a link to one of these new pages? So that I can hopefully replicate it? But if you're busy don't worry about it, I'll keep an eye out myself :)

--Thevoid 15:69, 10 July 2021 (UTC)

Ban Tr0ll

Hey Plat, just wanted to tell ya that the user Tr0ll seems to have just redone his spam on the main page and who knows where else. That includes your talk page. I've been trying to reverse it wherever I can, but unless this person is banned, they'll likely just keep doing this nonsense.

Edit: Currently working on getting some of the conversations that were deleted from this page into the Archive 8 page and keeping some of the more recent stuff back on this page. I tried to just undo the troll's post, but got hit with the external link error.

--Durzan 03:02, 1 May 2021 (UTC)

Alternative home for Smutty?

Do you have Smutty Sex Romp up on a different site, P? If not, have you considered relocating? Anedwcan 13:13, 4 May 2020 (UTC)


I looked a little further into that Miraheze wikifarm Durzan recommended; seems like they might actually allow a site like this. The most similar (to CYOS) existing site I found was Star Wars Erotica Wiki ( (EDIT: and it's not so similar as I thought; it links to a separate CYOA style star wars erotica wiki, and I confused the two, but it's still a decent example of a markedly adult site hosted on the Miraheze platform). And a few years ago someone made a request for a Yiff wiki that was approved, so I can't see them turning down a CYOS style site (you can see the discussion about the Yiff wiki here->

Main NSFW content rules seem to be that

1. Everything has to be legal in Netherlands, U.S., and U.K., (so rule 1 still stands, since underage sex stories are a legally grey area at best) and

2. No pornographic images of real people (drawings and 3D renders seem to be fine)

It's possible I've missed something else important in the Content Policy, so you might want to have a look at it for yourself ( Additionally, Miraheze is free and ad-free.

Regarding the transfer of stories, the 'import' function would almost definitely be available to Bureaucrats (MediaWiki permission defaults even let Admins use it). So moving Smutty Sex Romp and Rampage would be very possible, if time consuming (as only small xml files can be imported using 'import,' around 100 pages in size). I'll make another set of Smutty Sex Romp xml files suitable for transferring this way soon. I'd be happy to help you import them if you'd like.

I know you said you weren't considering relocating right now, but maybe some of this will be useful in the future. Seems like RobKohr has no plan to fix the issues any time soon (

If you don't mind my asking, why are you so hesitant to relocate?

--Pickles (Talk) 17:34, 8 August 2020 (UTC)

Oh, that makes sense. You were working on it quite a bit earlier this year though. I figured you'd stopped because of how ungodly slow the website has become, and I hadn't considered that you might have lost interest.
So far as my understanding goes, you'd still have plenty of ability to keep litter out on the other farm. If you create a new wiki on Miraheze, you'll have the Bureaucrat user rights. And it would be your wiki: you could write up the rules any way you wanted to, with even more power to enforce them. If you were to switch over, you would not have to worry about any loss of content moderating authority.
And trying it out has almost no risk. It's possible that they won't allow smut on their servers, and the worst case where they decide not to host the wiki, nothing really changes. We're just stuck on editthis, with one more possibilty ticked off the list.
Of course there is no real urgency as far as moving is concerned, but it would be great to read and edit Smutty (and any other stories that would be moved over) on a website that works. I'll stop buzzing in your ear about it, but please give Miraheze some consideration and let me know if you change your mind.
--Pickles (Talk) 02:22, 9 August 2020 (UTC)

Am I doing this right?

I probably should have done a little more lurking before contributing to your story. Smutty Sex Romp is a wonderful work, and I wanted (want) to help add to it. Anyway, I might have jumped the gun a little. I made an account and added a few contributions before realizing Smutty Sex Romp was your work, and that you have perhaps higher standards than I can meet right now (knowing very little about creative writing, formatting a wiki, and whatnot). The first place I contributed was in your story, when I should've started in the sandbox.

I got a little carried away. Not that seven pages is insane, but I figured I should stop here and make sure what I've added is okay. It's easier to delete or fix seven pages than seventy (especially with the dial-up speed this site is running at). And since it's your story it's a-okay with me if you decide to delete all of my additions, no questions asked. I like what you've got going here, and I don't want to throw ants in your cereal.

--Pickles 06:00, 11 May 2020 (UTC)

Hello again! I was looking through the Pages Requiring Attention, and all of them had a 'This database did not find the text of a page..." error message. I figured you'd deleted or moved them, but for whatever reason the category stuck. I blanked this one to see if that would remove the category stamp. Of course it did, but now the page doesn't have a category (which I've heard annoys you). I think I want you to delete Paladin/Caladbolg18 for me, if it's not too much trouble. Is it normal that moved/deleted pages keep categories like this, or is this something else?
I've been wondering about those maintenance reports as well. I don't want you to go out of your way if the answer is complicated, but do they work at all? The uncategorized pages and deadend pages reports would be handy if they actually updated.
Also, do you have a category for delete requests? I'm sorry if this isn't the place to ask for them.
In any case, thanks for helping me out! --Pickles 17:39, 15 May 2020 (UTC)

P.S. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly on my last message! I'm glad I've got your seal of approval. P.P.S. Is it just me or is the site loading faster today?

Found an ad

Netconnekt's user page is an ad. I saw you deleted the dubaitours thing, so I figure this sort of account is not allowed. --Pickles 01:09, 25 May 2020 (UTC)

Reviewruk's user page is also an ad (and a fishy service if you ask me). I wonder if we're on some list of good wikis to advertise on. Interestingly enough, another company has made an account but not posted a link (yet). Lwayservice is a net dev company (akin to Netconnekt), but they didn't create any pages. --Pickles 03:41, 10 June 2020 (UTC)

Woodframe's new page User talk:Woodframe is an ad. First paragraph is so deeply introspective that I almost didn't realise it was an ad. --Pickles 18:01, 11 June 2020 (UTC)

Ingdarenth's user page is also an ad. Leonel Sohns 09:06, 8 July 2021 (UTC)

Fivesdigital's user page is also an ad. Leonel Sohns 11:33, 3 August 2021 (UTC)

Harrygood9898's user page is also an ad. Leonel Sohns 14:14, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

Red Options

I'm not sure if it's been brought up before. I've been lurking for a little as an anon and wanted to start contributing to stories: some of which have red options nobody has fleshed out (in some cases for well over a year as far as I can tell). Do red options that haven't been written belong to the person, or are they free game to make into a page?


Yo. I'm thinking of coming back to this website but not fully until I have something to write about. Just curious: what happened to the edit button on the Main Page?

-October, 15, 2021, 02:09.

Thanks for the deletes

Hi Platypus. Thanks for deleting the pages I blanked. I was about to ask if you would do that. :) (I assume you looked and saw I was the only contributor.) DirtyOldMan 20:43, 16 March 2022 (UTC)

Having a problem creating an account

Hello. Obviously, I have an account on Create Your Own Story, but I want to create an account on the main page. I keep trying, but the same thing happens every time. I put in the username and the password. I made sure that the passwords were the same. I did the captcha. But every time I go to create the account, I get an error message: "Could not open socket in ./common/recaptcha/recaptchalib.php". I don't know who else to tell about this, so here I am. If you don't know anything about this, then could you please tell someone else who does. Thank you.

- TheFreddyFazbear54 13:57, 30th July 2022 (UTC)

Final touches to the Tutorial

Hello. I was poking around the wiki and noticed that the Tutorial needed a bit of a clean-up, so I've tried my best. Unfortunately, the page creation page is protected and there's something I think would be a very helpful addition. The addition and the edits I made are on the Tutorial Discussion, but feel free to change anything that you want. I figured you were the admin and might be able to edit the protected page. Thanks.

- TheFreddyFazbear54 22:05, 31 July 2022 (UTC)

- TheGreenRaider 13:47, 26, Dec 2022(UTC)

Adopting other Interactives from other sites

Hi. I been looking at the number of stories, both kid-friendly and XXX-rated and I been thinking of allowing other content from other sites, both dead or infinantus-haitus and allowing both the original creators and contributors from those sites to post here. I know of a couple of good adult-heavy interactives from that bully site that would struggle but accept the transfer. Personally, this was my second-best interactive site before the wacko admin of committed a free-user genocide and banned everyone else from entering the site, to mine crypto, I guess?

- TheGreenRaider 14:27, 26, Dec 2022(UTC)

Is this website dead?

Is there any consistent updates of storys and active members?

The link I changed didn't match up with the continuation of the the story path

That's after he just agreed to only be with the daughter but the mom then rejected him in the same path so the two paths conflict?

Is contradicts this path

Could you rename some pages

Hey, I was wondering if you could rename a few pages? Specifically I was wondering if you could rename these pages:Josh._An_18-year_old,_brown-haired_football_player, Miranda._A_17-year-old_brown-haired_girl, and Chelsea._The_36_yo,_blonde-haired_volleyball-playing_mother_of_the_3_kids_above.

Specifically I'd like them to be renamed by increasing the ages of Miranda and Josh by a year and change blonde-haired to brunette.

- v4n1ll4l0v3r

Smutty Sex Romp on CHYOA

Hey Platypus, the person who plagarized Smutty Sex Romp onto CHYOA still has the story in place. IIRC, we originally left it there as the staff figured that there was a statement on this website that the stuff on was basically public domain, but we could easily be mistaken on that and one of the people working on the CHYOA version mentioned in the story comments that they loved the story and were actually trying to preserve as much of it as possible by transferring it over (Server issues on editthis are a bitch, as we both know).

Anyway, someone else filed a report on this, and so we're looking into it again. There's sort of a de facto length requirement for stories on CHYOA too. The first chapter needs to have a minimum of 250 words and have a story hook, and subsequent chapters should be at least 100 words long. Arguably Smutty Sex Romp would need a bit of an overhaul to meet those standards, so we could a) just delete it outright or b) have someone go through and flesh it out a bit more.

If you still have access to your CHYOA account, I can outright just transfer ownership of the story to you, and you can do flesh it out and continue working on it a bit more as you see fit. That way you have control over your work, and a place to transfer the basic game/story to in case the server slowness becomes a bigger issue and/or the servers go down.

I guess let me know what you decide. In the meantime, I have put a disclaimer on the first page with a link to the original on the page to give you credit.

--Durzan 17:16, 10 February 2025 (UTC)

All Adult Stories reference web address changed.

The similar wiki mentioned on the All Adult Stories page has long since changed their web address ( Please change it when you get the chance. --Durzan 23:03, 22 February 2025 (UTC)

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