Masochist me/Sex training/The teacher

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:[[Masochist me/Sex training/Kissing|Start the lesson on kissing]]
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:[[Masochist me/Sex training/Touch|Start the lesson on touching]]
:[[Masochist me/Sex training/Erogenous zones|Start the lesson on erogenous zones]]
We all sat down, ready for the next class, after handing in our notes on sensitive spots, on how being touched in different spots made us feel, and how it felt touching our partner in different spots. My bruises were mostly healed from my...erotic...night from the last class.
"Okay, lets start where we left off last class. Everyone has these erogenous zones." He held up the stack of papers. "As many of you will have noted in your observations. An erogenous zone is basically parts of the body that are most responsive to touch." He pulled up a powerpoint, the first containing pictures of a penis and vagina. "These are the primary erogenous zones. Here, the nerve endings are concentrated. The head of the penis," he said, pointing to the picture of the penis, the soft, spongy tissue of the circumcised head, "for men. And the clitoris," This time he pointed at the little bump between the lips of the vagina, "for women. We will explore these spots today, but first we will discuss the secondary erogenous zones."
He changed the slide. "First, we start with the feet. As discussed last class, the feet are actually a more intimate place that we usually think of. Very few people would go out in public showing their vagina or penis, which is obvious, but at the same time, very few people would go out in public showing their feet. You might tease them, wearing sandals, open toed pumps, something like that, just as women might go out showing cleavage, or men might go out showing some chest hair. But is there anyone here who would feel completely comfortable running around without shoes at all?" Everyone shook their head no. "Part of it stems from protection, protecting the base of our feet from harm. Broken glass, nails, hot pavement. So, we learn socially that the feet need to be covered, at least to some point. This conditions us that our exposed feet are more intimate. It all falls back to our social conditioning. Coupled with this, parts of the feet are incredibly sensitive. This is because the sensations that come from the feet stimulate a large area of the brain. Stimulating feet and toes can be very powerful for intimacy. Next time you are with a partner, try giving them a foot massage."
"Next, we have the back. A rich tapestry of unbroken skin. The spine is sensitive, as this is the way your brain communicates with your body. Trace a finger down it, or give your lover soft kisses. If your partner gasps or moans, well, you know that is a good spot. The small of the back also has many nerve endings, allowing more sensation. A back massage can help relax and stimulate your partner. It not only releases tension, but also increases blood flow to the pelvic region. And, you know what that means." With this, he gave the class a wink.
"On the opposite side, we have the stomach. This is also an erogenous zone most people do not think about. Sensual messages can help increase the level of intimacy. And guys, some women can even orgasm just through flexing her abdominal muscles. For you women, I understand that your body image can get in the way. Remember, you are with someone you already trust enough to let get to this level. Try not to focus on what you think your stomach looks like, and instead focus on how good your partner is making you feel when he goes for this spot. Your own body image can get in the way of great sex. Same for you guys. I know we all worry about our beer belly, while we wished we had a six pack. Obviously, our partner is already interested in you. Don't dwell on if you are a model or, well, just an average guy."
"The butt is the next erogenous zone. However, the treatment varies widely. Some enjoy a lighter, more sensitive touch, while others may prefer a heavier touch." He looked right at me when saying the last. Fortunately, he tended to look from student to student, so I doubted anyone else understood the significance of looking at me right as he said it. "Caress it, squeeze it. Maybe even spank it. Just like the stomach, you need to put away your self image hangups and instead focus on the actual sensation. But remember, it is better to talk to your partner, find out if they prefer a lighter touch, or more heavy handed."
"Then, we have knees and elbows. I understand, these are not the most attractive parts of the body, but they are full of nerve endings on the undersides. However, if your partner is ticklish, don't push it. In that case, try a firmer touch, rather than a light caress. Kiss them, or massage them gently."
He paused, the started lecturing again. "And remember, the biggest erogenous zone is the human mind. Humans are one of the only animals that have sex for pleasure. This is also the hardest to understand. Listen to your partner. Talk to them. Attraction starts in the brain. Intimacy is more than the simple act of sex. It is about the sensations, about how we feel, about ourselves, our partners. Any spot is a potential erogenous zone. What I mention are only the most common. And for all the women in the class, here is a little extra. Most men's nipples are also sensitive. Don't be afraid to return his favor."
Most of the women laughed at that, given how fixated men tended to be on women's breasts and nipples.
"Today, we will experiment with the primary erogenous zones. Last class, you got to test each other's bodies, to have your bodies tested. Today, we will move that to the final step. Everyone, please remove your bottom garments."
"Umm, bottom garments? You mean, take off our pants?" One of the women asked.
"No, I mean take off everything, so your genitals are completely uncovered. Remove your pants, or skirts," he said, including the one woman who wore a skirt. "And remove your underwear. You will keep your shirt on. You can remove your shoes if you want, or put them back on after you have removed your other garments."
Suddenly, everyone seemed quiet, and embarrassed. I guess, since I was used to humiliation, and even liked it, had no problem going first. Soon, I found myself completely naked from the waist down in front of all the other students, the teacher the same. As if that broke the spell, others started taking off their shoes, pants, underwear. I was secretly happy to see what reaction I had on some of the first guys. Well, at least I assumed it was for me, since I will the only person they had seen exposed before they finished. Unless it was for the teacher...
Sadly, the lesson never got to the 'spanking' part. Of course, it was not really bad by itself.
"Now, it is time for the hands on. Please note the plastic at the front of the class." He pointed at little plastic mats, one for each couple. "For this, each one of you will take time to stimulate your partner's primary erogenous zone. The goal is to stimulate it to the point of orgasm. Sorry, this is a class, so there will be some expectations. As normal, I expect you to be honest with your partner. If it doesn't feel right, then ask them to do it differently. Guide them. I also expect you to tell your partner what you are feeling, providing feedback. Sorry, I know everyone has different tastes and preferences, and that sometimes it will be harder to...complete the assignment...within certain boundaries. During this, you will not engage in dirty talk. You will simply tell your partner exactly what you feel, to the best of your ability, and what you need him or her to do. Don't worry, if something slips out, I will not penalize you, or anything like that. This is to learn about each other's primary erogenous zone, see what your partner likes, dislikes, and explore yourself. Some satisfaction hopefully guaranteed." He gave us another wink. "There is lube over there," he said, pointing that way, "and disinfectant over there," he said, pointing to a bottle of, well, something, that was apparently disinfectant. "This will be stimulation by hand only, so I do not want to see any oral or penetration. Me and my partner will be participating, just like the rest of you. And, you need to try to take mental note. It is better if you are taking notes during, but I understand that this may not work for you. I will leave that up to you. Either way, I expect a report on what your partner tried, and how each step tried felt, and how it worked or didn't work. Did she squeeze to hard? Did he push too hard? Was a light touch better, or worse? Were you able to finish your partner? Oh, and guys. Sorry, but you will need to wear condoms for this. You can find them over there," he said, pointing at a different table.
Each partner selected who got to go first. Soon, plenty of noise outside of talking was taking place. The teacher settled between my legs, and I was acutely aware of others around me. Then again, it didn't matter, as they all had their own partners to attend to. He started by rubbing my vagina, slowly, each stroke tickling the outer lips. "I first start by exciting the vagina," he said, not loudly, but in a voice that was able to be heard by everyone. He slowly pushed in, a little harder each time. "Once it is excited, I start warming it up to penetration. I will not be actually engaging in sexual intercourse, but it still reacts with that expectation. It allows the female to begin self lubrication. Normally we will engage in foreplay, that will also start the lubrication process, but in this case, I will need to focus on making the vagina ready without the foreplay." By the time his finger entered me, just the tip, I was wet and ready. "Now I am just describing what I am doing, you do not need to do the same. Again, let your partner guide you." This time, he spoke lower, to me only. "You need to start telling me the sensations and feelings each of these things evoke."
With his finger wet from its penetration of my pussy, he brought it up to my clitoral hood. "It feels good so far," I said, not sure what to say. "I feel heat between my legs, feel the wetness down there. But, it feels more like teasing." He applied a slight pressure to the hood. I responded with, "Not so teasing now."
He rubbed softly. "I can feel pressure, I mean, from my pussy." He rubbed in little circles, keeping the pressure steady, the rhythm steady. "It isn't enough. Please, harder."
With that, he pushed harder. I could hear the others talking, but it was like a muted buzz. He started talking again, in a way to let the class know his steps. "As asked, I have started pressing the clitoris harder, but not too hard. It is sensitive, and too much pressure can either overwhelm or hurt a woman." His finger moved, my clit firmly under it.
"It feels good, but...more. It is not enough." With that, he pushed it against my pelvis bone, increasing the pressure. I could feel my response. It felt, wonderful. My body quivered under him, his finger playing my sensitive little button expertly. "Hit me, please. Spank me. Oh, I need more!" I cried out, longing to feel his hands around my throat. Longing to feel the sting of the slap. Longing to feel the bite of the nipple. "No," he said. I wanted to scream at him, it wasn't enough. I could feel myself close. But not enough. The pressure just got worse and worse. A sneeze that would tease you, but never come. I grabbed his free hand, bringing it to my throat. I tried to make him squeeze. "Slap me! Spit on me! Call me your fucking dog. I am a worthless whore. I can't, I can't," I couldn't get rid of the feeling. Like I wanted to explode, but there was no release. I wrapped my hands around my own breasts. I felt my nails digging into the skin, then, I shoved my hands down, hard, leaving red furrows in my skin. I felt my skin burning, searing, under them. I screamed as the pain hit my brain. I screamed as my pussy spasmed. I felt myself go over the edge, felt my pussy constrict as I the pressure finally transformed into bliss. Once I recovered, I looked down, at the horror on his face, at the rest of the class staring at me, their faces showing such a range of emotions. Confusion, fear, horror. I looked at my stomach, where I had gouged furrows across my skin. My breasts, red, angry lines running along them at the sides. I could see a little blood pool, where my nails had ripped away the skin, rather than just scrape it. The damage wasn't bad, but it hurt. "I climaxed," I told him. "Now I guess we should switch?" I didn't understand why everyone was looking at me like that.
"But...your bleeding," said one of the other students, looking at me with both worry and with a look like you might give some dangerous animal.
"Oh, it's okay," I said. "I get hurt alot." The teacher shook his head. "Let me get you cleaned up, then I need to take you to the nurses office." With that, he gathered up some cotton swabs, the antiseptic, and started cleaning my scrapes. The wounds were not very bad. I had done worse to myself. But he still fussed over them, treating me like some fragile glass figure, wrapping me up. I noticed no one else was doing anything any further. He dressed, then helped me up so I could dress. "For the rest of you, I will be back soon. Please continue. Remember, no mouth to genital or genital to genital contact. Once I get back, we will discuss your findings."
With that, he led me out of the room. "I am sorry. I did not expect you to try to do something to yourself. I was hoping that I would be able to help you orgasm without pain, to prove to you that it is possible." He hesitated. "I still am not sure. Unfortunately, based on this, I am going to require you to attend counseling. Who knows, maybe you are one of the rare cases, but that needs to be answered. For you, not me," he said, trying to reassure me. "And, I think I may need to explain to the rest of the class a bit about certain edge cases, where sexual release is not normal. I only say this to you because I do not want you to feel singled out. But, they need to understand what just happened in there. Since this is beyond what we normally have in class, and since this is information that is more personal to you, I want to see if you are okay with it."
I thought about it. Basically, it seemed he wanted to tell them I was a freak so they wouldn't freak out about what just happened. I felt...distanced...again. I finally nodded yes. We walked in silence. I didn't really like how much of a freak I was. I couldn't do anything about it, other than try to pretend I was normal, but I hated being so...isolated...misunderstood. I didn't really have much to say, as I tried to keep the tears out of my eyes. This was one reason why being an escort appealed to me. Maybe, through all the many clients, I could find others who understood me. And maybe even liked the way I was, without having to pretend.
He came into the nurses office with me, sat with me until the nurse came. He explained what happened. "Please use your best judgement. If she is okay to come back to class, please send her back. If I do not see her in class, I will stop by after to check on her." The nurse nodded, and bustled me off in all professionalism. She asked what happened, but I held my tongue, not wanting anyone else to know what a freak I was. I didn't want to make it worse on myself or my teacher.
I came back, and was greeted with silence from the other students. Not sure what to say, I blurted out, "Sorry if I did anything wrong..." I sat down in my seat, feeling utterly humiliated.
The instructor quickly stated, "No, you didn't do anything wrong." He then turned to the class and started discussing a little of what happened. That some people had different tastes or preferences, enjoyed different things, and that it was nothing unusual, or wrong, or bad. It was just different. I felt like he was talking to a bunch of kids. Later, after talking to those who knew more about my condition, I learned it is actually very normal, and came to realize that my teacher, while good at his field, did not do very well with the fringe, non-vanilla, side of sex and sexuality. Of course that should have been obvious to all of us after he said he would not cover gay or lesbian sex, but sitting in that class, not knowing what I knew years later, it just made me feel humiliated. That and my stinging, burning chest and breasts did nothing to make the rest of the class any better. Just...more frustrating...
He had each person describe their feelings, what it felt like to both give and receive stimulation at their primary erogenous zones. He never called on me though. And, I guess never gave his own feelings, since he didn't get to receive.
Once class was dismissed, I was approached by some of the others. "Sorry, I didn't realize that it was...different for you," came from the woman who had called me a whore. "You are pretty interesting," said one of the male students. I could tell by the look in his eyes that by interesting, he meant he wanted to fuck me. A couple others said things, either stupid and not understanding at all, or that made no sense, trying to give me sympathetic words, like I was sick, or a victim or something. It just made me wonder more what the teacher had said to them.
In the end, I brought the one guy to my apartment. He learned very quickly how to give me just the right delicious pain, leaving me screaming and weeping for hours, and leaving my body and mind in a state of bliss. I slept as peacefully as one could, tied to the bed and covered in welts.

Revision as of 02:08, 5 April 2017

The remaining students gave their reasons for being in class, and it was time to find partners. I sat there, focusing on my desk, as others partnered up. One of the single guys approached me, asking if I was willing to partner with him. I glanced out of him out of the corner of my eye, saw a look of interest, but said nothing, still mortified at what I had said, and still enjoying the sensation. I honestly wanted to tell him yes, and in fact, wished I could do more, but I was unable to move. He misread my silence, and went on to find another partner, leaving me alone.

The instructor approached my desk. "Well, I guess it is you and me," he started out with. "Unfortunately, when we have hands on training, that means that you will be the one that needs to work with me to instruct the others, to show techniques, things like that. This will put you right at the front of everything. Are you okay with that?"

By now I had regained my equilibrium, so was able to respond. "Yes," I said, barely above a whisper, while nodding yes, it was okay for me.

"About your reason, I would like to see you after class to discuss that." I nodded yet again, feeling myself flush.

Once that was done, he started the lesson.

Start the lesson on kissing
Start the lesson on touching
Start the lesson on erogenous zones

The next class, we moved on to striptease, and taking touch beyond petting.

"Now, one way to help initiate sexual energy is a striptease. For this, I have brought in a professional."

The woman who came in was definitely professional. I felt a mixture of both attraction and jealousy. It wasn't like some strip show. She showed the various ways to strip.

Slip Into Something Sexier

When selecting your outfit, dress in layers so you'll have more to peel off. And make sure you're comfortable in whatever you have on. Of course stilettos and knee-high boots are wicked foxy, and if you feel confident in them, great. But being in bare feet and one of his button-downs (you can slowly undo those buttons...) is just as alluring.

Set Your Stage

Dim the lights or toss a sheer scarf over your lamps. Arrange a chair for him to sit on where you'll also have space to strip a few feet away (you want to be back far enough that he can see all of you, and you're just out of his reach). To initiate things, either tell him, "I've got a little something for you," or simply lead him to the room and push him down on chair.

Hit Play

Pick a song that has a strong beat but isn't too fast, and makes you feel vixen-ish. A few good bets: "S&M" by Rihanna, "Dirty Laundry" by Bittersweet, and "Crazy" by Aerosmith.

Walk the Walk

Begin your show with a slow, seductive strut. After sitting him down, take your time turning around and striding away from him. Place one foot directly in front of the other, and drag your feet for a come-hither effect.

Give Yourself a Hand

Always pay attention to what you're doing with your hands: Glide your fingertips up and down the sides of your body, stroke your neck and collarbone (it's smart to focus on the sexiest parts of your body), tug a little at the hem of your shirt or nightie. Move your hands smoothly and lightly, and remember that using your fingertips looks way more seductive than "wiping" yourself with your whole palm.

Whip Your Hair

If you have long locks, play with them and flip them around whenever you have the chance. Guys go berserk for this, because flowing hair is such a feminine attribute. They'll imagine it brushing against their skin, and running their fingers through it.

Mesmer-Eyes Him

Every so often during your strip-down, catch his gaze for a few seconds. Eye contact conveys confidence, and that's what will sell the tease.

Amp the Anticipation

Play up the article of clothing that you're about to take off, so that he senses what's coming before it happens. Like, if you're going to remove your slip, slide it up and down your body first. Then once you've removed it, caress the body part you've just revealed, drawing attention to the fact that it's now nude.

Turn Your Shirt Into Handcuffs

Face your guy, bend over at the waist, and graze your hands down the front of your legs. While you're in this forward fold, start to take off your top—but instead of removing it all the way, leave it rolled at your wrists. (Note: this only works with a sleeveless or short-sleeved shirt.) Twist your right hand once, creating loose "handcuffs" around your wrists. Rise back up and lift your arms over your head. After a moment, either fling it at him or just toss it to the ground, like you're done with it.

Arch Your Back

It accentuates your fine female curves. Simple, but so, so powerful.

Roll Your Booty

Men freaking love this: Stand with your feet slightly farther apart than shoulder-width, knees bent. Throw your shoulders back, put your hands on your knees, and lean your weight into your hands. Circle your butt around 360 degrees or in a figure-eight shape. You can also do the booty roll on all fours—just remember to separate your knees.

Move Between Levels

Throughout the tease, transition between standing, getting down on your hands and knees, and then sliding onto your stomach. It's more interesting for him to watch if you switch things up, plus it lets him view your hot bod from all angles.

Get a Leg Up

Once you're on your stomach, flip onto your back, extend your arms straight out on the ground over your head (this will anchor you down), and lift your legs up in the air. Think about creating beautiful lines with your stems: point your feet, cross them at the ankle, flutter your legs, open into a straddle-style split facing him...and if you're feeling bold, look at him while you slowly caress your V-zone. To get up, roll over onto all fours, sit back on your feet (they should be flat on the floor, knees together), and then stand one leg at a time.

Unleash Your Breasts

Turn your back to him, slip off one bra strap, then the other. After a second or two, unclasp it, and pivot to face him, holding your bra against your boobs with your hands. Turn back around and let your bra fall to the floor, so you're drawing out the moment of reveal as much as possible.

Hit the Wall

Put your back against the wall, and lift your arms above your head. Slink your body up and down a few times, then push yourself away from the wall and walk slowly towards him.

Corrupt a Chair

Sit sideways on an armless chair, so that the back of it is against the left side of your body. Lower your torso down to rest on the seat, as you hold onto the back of the chair with your left hand for support. Lift your legs in the air, and do some pretty kicks. Some simpler, sexy things to do with a chair: Put one leg up on the seat, raise your heel as though you were wearing stilettos, and caress your leg. Pop your butt out every time you sit down and get up. Sit on the seat of the chair and flip that hair!

Ditch Your Undies

Stand with your feet parallel, hook your thumbs into the waistband of your panties, bend your knees, and slither your underwear down your legs like a snake. Let them drop to your ankles. Step out of one side, and then with your other leg, kick them in his direction.

Sloooow It Down

Never rush a striptease. Think of the process like creating pictures: He's going to want to remember these images of you getting naked for him, so he can visualize them later on. The slower you go, the easier it will be for him to take a mental snapshot of one of the hottest moments of his life.

Touch Him Strategically

It can be torturously sexy to not let him lay a hand on you the whole time. Or touch him at key moments to build up the tease. Occasionally, brush his arms, mess up his hair, sit on his lap for a second, or have him help you undress (for example, plant your foot on the chair in between his legs so he can unroll your thigh-high stocking). Get more affectionate as the tease progresses—by the end he literally won't be able to resist you.

Removing your clothing one piece at a time while swaying your hips to the music in the background might sound like a recipe for roaring laughter, but it can be fun and erotic if you give it a chance and do it right.

Granted, most guys aren't Chippendales strippers, nor are they well practiced in the fine art of pelvic thrusting (at least not on dance floors), but nevertheless, you can keep this experience light and interesting. Not to mention, she may just love what she's seeing.

set the stripper tone

Now before you start throwing your clothes all over the place, you have to ensure that the setting is agreeable. Lighting is very important and I recommend using either red lights (they scream sex; remember Roxanne?), or candlelight. Make sure you have maneuverability — the last thing you want is to slam into a table and have to be rushed to emergency. You'll both laugh about it one day, but it won't be funny at the time.

As well, you should both be in a good mood. Put her in a spot where you can approach her after you're done with your fancy footwork. And above all else, don't behave like you're Fabio unless you're kidding around — the last thing you want is to have her laughing at you.

Obviously, you won't be removing your clothes for a woman you've only known two days and a night. This is an experience you want to share with a woman you've already shared laughter and good times with.


There are certain unwritten rules (that will be written shortly) you must adhere to when you decide that you want to take it off for your woman. Keep all of the following in mind when you're about to surprise her with your antics.

Don't get totally naked

Always leave something to the imagination. Don't rip off all your clothes in one violent thrust and jump her. Take your time and always leave one item on — you have to give her something to do after all. The item that should be left on is your underwear.

No leopard print thong

Chances are that most guys don't have the body of an Adonis, and even if you did, I still wouldn't recommend wearing bikini or thong underwear. Most women aren't big fans. Your best bet would be boxer briefs. She can see the bulge, but it's wrapped in an attractive package.

Costumes are acceptable

My woman loved it when we came home from a formal party one night and I began stripping away my tuxedo. Using costumes such as a fireman's garb is acceptable, but spontaneity is preferred.

Practice, laugh, and learn how to take your clothes off the right way...

Practice beforehand

Stake out the location and what you would do. That's right — come on, you stare at yourself in the mirror anyway, why not take off your clothes while you do it? Watch the way you move around, and discover how easy or difficult it would be to take off each item of clothing.

Laugh at yourself

Most men aren't famous for stripping; so don't take the moment seriously. It's okay to smile and laugh every now and then. That way, she'll feel more comfortable and of course, that'll make you feel even more comfortable in your own skin literally.

Kiss and tease her

Approach her every now and again while you're undressing and kiss her mouth and body. Get close enough to her so that she could touch you, but back away when she reaches out for you.

Bring her up to dance with you

When you're virtually naked, lift her up and hold her close to you as you strut your stuff together. This way, you can seduce her further before you take charge and get down to pleasure.

order of operation

The experience can be funny but the last thing you want to do is look funny when you're done doing your dancing deed. So don't end up wearing nothing but your sports socks.

Before you even start removing your clothes, however, keep in mind that if you know how to dance, then by all means, bust a move. But if you don't, simply sway your hips from side to side, and turn around to give her a different view every now and then.

Now here's the order in which you should remove your clothes:

1- Take off your socks.
2- Remove your tie and toss it at her.
3- Undo the cuffs of your shirt.
4- Unbutton your shirt but do not remove it yet.
5- Remove your belt and unbutton your pants.
6- Let your pants fall to the ground and step out of them.
7- Remove your shirt.
8- Move slowly toward her and let her take off your boxer briefs.

play that funky music

So what music should you be taking it all off to? That's really a matter of opinion and taste. If you are just down to have fun and laugh throughout the entire thing, then the clich strip song "You Can Leave Your Hat On" by Joe Cocker will work wonders.

But if you want to do a little dance with a twist of eroticism, then choose the music that both of you enjoy whether it be R&B or trance. The point is that you need to get into the groove and it wouldn't hurt if she also enjoyed your selection.

So until next time, have fun with your woman and show her how it's really done. Who knows, this may just encourage her to give you a little performance of her own.



(this would be before getting in the bed)

Letting him touch/grope you

(some men really get turned on by caressing a woman's butt or sucking her tits)


(either way, or both at once -- 69. Back when i frequented reddit, one of the female posters said that sometimes when men would go down on her they would leave a bigger wet spot under their dick than she would under her pussy)

Penetrative sex

(either hole)


As for your questions: When vaginal intercourse takes place, men cum quickest when the position is cowgirl, slower in doggy style and slowest in missionary. I'm guessing that's what you meant by "feels better".

Clearly, cowgirl and missionary are more "intimate" because you can see each other's face, while doggystyle is more "pure sex, no feelings." Alpha-oriented men come in two types: the ones who want both control and intimacy prefer missionary (the man is on top, but can see the woman's face and kiss her) and the ones who just want to get their rocks off and don't care about the woman prefer doggystyle.

That about covers the GENERAL part of the training. After that, you get down to specific things that some men like and some men don't. (Bondage, anal stimulation, forced orgasm, etc.)

I would think that for certain things hands-on training would be needed.

Another link that I really like for research:

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