Why she is stepping down
From Create Your Own Story
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m (Reverted edit of Jimmy on wheels on wheels, changed back to last version by Darth Halford) |
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Current revision as of 15:13, 20 February 2017
"It was time" She said plainly "I'm not getting any younger, and you're not going to stay my little princess forever..." as she brushes your cheeck "I wanted to help you along my dear. There's nothing like the task you're about to take, and I wanted to help you along the way, just my mother had helped me."
Your mother gets a little red in the face, one of the few times she's ever been embarrassed. "And, truth be told, I actually fell in love. With Harold. We finally decided to get married" Harold is one of your mothers longest and more passionate suitors "he's been with me since before I was your age, and has been there through good times and bad. A proper gentleman..." and than things start to take a wild turn "and oh my God his cock! It gets inside you and you just want to melt all over it" Although your mother, and in fact your whole kingdom, is known for sexual promiscuity, it's rare to hear your mother talk about her sexual exploits; odder still to be talking about it with you, and in who it's regarding, her new husband! Oddness seems to come in waves "You wanna try it? I wouldn't mind, and I know Harold would lose his mind at the opportunity. You'd never forget it, I promise..."