Kentucky Hardcore Wrestling

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Revision as of 02:49, 20 September 2009 by Asshole (Talk | contribs)
Kentucky Hardcore Wrestling
Acronym KHW
Established 2008-present
Creator(s) Thomas Bruce and James Bruce
Style Technical, Athletic
Format Backyard wrestling
Wrestling base Trampoline
Location Frankfort, Kentucky
Formerly KHTW (Kentucky Hardcore Trampoline Wrestling)
External links Official Myspace

Kentucky Hardcore Wrestling (KHW) is a backyard wrestling federation established in 2008


KHW was founded in 2006 under the banner of KTW (Kentucky Trampoline Wrestling). The fed has gone unnoticed for the past three years due to the inability to upload videos to the internet and in late 2008 went on a hiatus. But as of the fall of 2009 the roster is coming off the hiatus and will continue to wrestle. Videos should be up soon.

Current Roster

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