HomeGrown Elite Wrestling

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Revision as of 11:18, 17 December 2010 by Warren Hardie (Talk | contribs)
HomeGrown Elite Wrestling
Acronym HGEW
Established 2010
Management Feature Shock Entertainment
Style Variety
Location Scotland
Announcers Jeff Jefferson
Stanley Sprott
External links YouTube Channel

HomeGrown Elite Wrestling is a backyard wrestling internet based federation founded in 2010 and located in the United Kingdom.




HGEW was formed as a way of bringing Backyard Wrestlers from all over Scotland to one federation, it combined together many local feds, including a fed locally known as HomeGrown Extreme Wrestling (which had minor Youtube exposure 2008 - 2010), where HGEW based it's name.


2010 was spent as a 'formation year' for HGEW, they initially planned to just take over from the previous federation. HGEW held a test day, which saw Alex Page win the World Heavyweight Championship. As this was a test day, Page's reign was not officially started.


HGEW will kick of their 2011 year with the final episode of Implosion leading up to their High Voltage FPV.

HGEW Implosion

See also: HGEW - Implosion

HGEW Implosion is HGEW's fortnightly show, it usually features 2 or 3 matches on the show as well as interviews with the roster. Ever Implosion is usually used to build up to the bi-monthly Free-Per-View event.

HGEW Free-Per-View Schedule

February - HGEW - High Voltage 2011 April - HGEW - Trepidation 2011 June - HGEW - Summer Showdown 2011 August - HGEW - Night of Gladiators 2011 October - HGEW - Adrenalainia 2011

HGEW Facts

- HGEW site their inspiration as Ultimate British Wrestling
- HGEW is the only established BYW federation in Scotland

External links

Personal tools