Trench K. Ortega

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Trench K. Ortega
Ring name *Trench K. Ortega
Height 5'10
Weight 365 lbs.
Born Brooklyn, New York
Resides Las Vegas, Nevada
Trained By Matt Vengenace, FNB
Debut 2008

Trench K Ortega is a american born backyard wrestler performing in Non Stop Wrestling and Justified Revolution Wrestling. Recently, he as left the beach federation in New York City, known as Beach Wrestling Association. In character, Trench is starting to grasp the feel of wrestling. Only having two years under his belt, he still feels that he is still a rookie. At JRW, he is undefeated, being one of the first rookies to gain a submission win, have the first win in JRW, and also be the first to pin a Veteran, Johnny Marqo.

In NSW, He made his own impact in the beginning of the year by attacking then, Former US Champion Tommy Hart. After assaulting him with a chair, he leaned over, and robbed the man of his sunglasses repeating the phrase. "Your not the only one, who feels like a monster." His first match in 2009 with NSW, was against Tommy Hart. Dynamo, who interupted the match, caused to distract Trench for a moment, enough that Tommy would pick up the victory when he hit Trench with the US Title belt. As of recent, Trench has defeated the likes of J.A.C.K Stone a former Television Champion, and ESW World Champion.

In wrestling

  • Finishing & signature moves
  • Headlock Driver
  • Sin City Clutch (Dragon Sleeper to a face down opponent)
  • Rear Naked Choke
  • Final Sin (Double Underhook Sitout Face Buster)

Go To Sleep Variants Adopted from Scythe

Half Nelson
Suplex/Rope aided
Spin out dragon Sleeper
  • Kneeling Sidewalk Slam

Multiple Chop Variations

Machine Gun
Double Hand
  • Blue Thunder Powerbomb into Backbreaker
  • STO Backbreaker into Russian Legsweep
  • Corner Body Splash
  • Full Nelson Spun into a Facebuster
  • Dragon Screw Neck Whip
  • Superkick while opponent is kneeling down
  • Regal Plex
  • Cravate
  • Forearm strikes
  • The Punt

  • x3 Tag Team Champion
  • x1 Pride Champion
  • Tag Team of the Year 2009
  • Heel of the Year 2009
  • Champion of the Year 2009
  • Match of the Year 2009

  • Entrance Themes
  • "Numb" by Rob Zombie (2008)
  • "White Knuckles" by Five Finger Death Punch (2009-Present) (NSW/BWA)
  • "Calm Like a Bomb" by Rage Against the Machine (Present JRW)
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