Warren Hardie

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Revision as of 15:33, 17 September 2010 by Warren Hardie (Talk | contribs)
Warren Hardie
Ring name Evan Angel
Height 5'11
Weight 140 lbs.
Born July 6, 1995 (age 15)
Resides Nairn, Scotland
Debut 2008

Warren Hardie (born July 6, 1995) is a Scottish backyard wrestler best known for his appearances in HomeGrown Extreme Wrestling

Backyard wrestling tenure

Backyard Adrenaline Wrestling

Angel has worked for now-defunct promotions "HGEW" and "BAW" from 2008 - 2010, both receiving little internet coverage. Angel is in the midst of joining a new Scottish promotion which looks to begin in late 2010.

In wrestling

  • Finishing Moves
    • Drop Dead DDT (Modified Snap-DDT)
  • Signature Moves
    • Standing STO
    • Frog Splash
    • Diving Elbow Drop
    • Sit-Out Facebuster
    • Superkick
    • Release Dragon Suplex
    • Modified Keylock
    • Gutwrench Powerbomb
    • Modified Brainbuster
    • Running Powerslam
  • Entrance themes
    • "Next Stop Atro City" by Lostprophets
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