Calendar Navigation

From Bloggerhacks

Revision as of 20:28, 24 June 2006 by Jcmeloni (Talk | contribs)



For use with Blogger blogs, but requires external hosting of JavaScript files.


Johan Sundstrom


Adding calendar navigation to your Blogger template

Skill Level

You must be comfortable with editing JavaScript files and your Blogger template.


Adds a navigation calendar to the sidebar of your blogger blog, enabling readers to navigate your blog by day.


  1. Obtain the code and host it externally.
  2. Modify your Blogger archive settings.
  3. Paste code into the head element of your Blogger template.
  4. Republish your entire blog each time you add an entry on a new day.

Sites Using This Hack

Edit this area and add your own link if you are using this hack.

See Also

Advanced formatting is available at here.

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