Orly Factor

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The Orly Factor in 1993

The Orly Factor was a band founded by Chris O'Reily in the '80s.


Original Members

Chris O'Reily

File:Orly owl.jpg
Chris O'Reily

Chris O'Reily is the guy who started the band. Known for his rediculously supernatural piano talents, he has been known to play 13-not chords and two counter melodies at the same time. This fact leads many leading experts to beieve that Chris O'Reily has 4+ hands and is not in fact the Orly owl. Before joining the band, his 1977 hit single Chris O'Reily plays Tarzan Boy by himself brought him international acclaim as it rose to the top of the Icelandic charts. He decided to form the band in 1988 because he realized that he in fact could not also play the harmonica, string ensemble 1+2, halo and cello. He reluctantly began to hire people. He was the leader of the band throughout its entire run, and had highly volatile relations with Yanni, the second most important member, during the experimental period from 1995-1999. Thankfully the tensions didn't explode and now they are best friends ^_^! Chris decided that it was time for the band to take some "time off" (aka break up) in 2002. Recently, he has been known to play some sweet insane radiohead songs with just his piano. He's soooo coool!



Yanni was the first guy that Chris O'Reily hired. Arguably the second most important guy in the band, he has a lot of gravity in band decisions. He also has a sexy headshot featured on the right of this article. Chris O'Reily hired him after their sucessful combined effort with Young Link in the 1986 one-hit-wonder Yanni and Chris O'Reily play Popcorn with Young Link. Yanni is sooo smart and is known for his moody String Ensemble 1 and 2 parts. He also is rumored to play Synth String 1 and 2 sometimes. He took major front-seat leadership role during the recording of Chemical Wonderland and Nukl3@r Wint3r. During the time, during mounting tensions between him and O'Riely, it seemed that the band might split, with Yanni at the head of a new synth-driven group. The rumor, however, proved fruitless and Yanni stuck around until the group's final album in 2001, Aha Rly.

Yo Yo Ma

Yo Yo Ma

Yo Yo Ma plays the cello. Even when the part really doesn't make any sense at all for the cello. Chris just thought it would be cool if Yo Yo Ma was in the band. Yo Yo Ma joined the band in 1988 and left in 1995 during the early sessions for Chemical Wonderland due to growing tension between him and other members, including Yanni and the newly-hired Mozart. No one really noticed he was gone though, since Jean de Florette's harmonica can sound a lot like the Cello. Today, Yo Yo hosts and appears on various children's shows and makes guest appearances for countless low-budget talk shows. He unsuccesfully ran for president in 2000 under the American Anemocratic Party.

Master Chief

Master Chief

What can he say? Chris needed a Halo player, and who better than Master Chief himself? After joining in 1988 as one of the founding (but insignificant) member, he gradually got more and more parts in the music that the band played and eventually became a relatively legitimately important musician. During the tension in 1998 between Yanni and O'Riely, it appeared that the Chief would join Yanni's new band. However, when the tensions subsided, Master Chief stuck around for one more album (Nukl3@r Wint3r) before departing in 2000. These days, he stars in some kind of video game series for the Xbo] that's relatively popular (although everyone agrees his true claim to fame was his 12-year stint with the Factor).

Jean de Florette

Jean de Florette

A self-proclaimed harmonicist known for his slow ballads and that annoying song that plays throught he whole movie. He died in 1998 due to a combination of AIDS and drug overdose, and was replaced by fellow harmonicist Bob Dylan. After his death, he grew a cult following and remains an immortal legend in the underground nightclub/LCD traffiking scene. I'm pretty sure he was in some kind of french film, too.

Later Members


Mozart originally was a guest soloist on Harpischord for a few tracks in the band's 1994 award-winning album Yahweh. He was asked by Chris to join in 1995 during the early sessions for his sweet awesome multi-instrumental skills. This caused tension with fellow classical artist Yo Yo Ma, who quit the band after a bad argument. He became a major part of the band's backbone during the experimental period and was loyal to Chris during the Yanni-O'Riely standoff.

Bob Dylan

Known for his harmonica...ing skills, he was contacted by Chris in 1998 after Jean de Florette's abrupt but non-notable death. He played with the band for two albums, until the band's "sabbatical" began in 2002.

Guest Soloists

Young Link

Young Link

Young Link has played a number of solos for the Orly Factor on his Ocarina, most prominently when the group played Popcorn. He is notable since he has played at least one or two songs with the band for each of the 6 studio albums and even got a featured song on the psychadelic 1998 EP Video 1. Now he plays the ocarina of time maily for Bar-Mitzvahs and charity drives. He does some telethons too.

Who is the drummer?

Who plays all of that mysterious percussion in the background of many of the Factor's songs? Many believe that it is in fact Larry Mullen of U2 in disguise. However, many also believe that it could be Scott Barksdale of Burlap to Cashmere and long-time 6th grade English teacher, as it is a percussionist, not nessicarily a drummer. Other theories include Tony Mcnaboe, Chuck Norris and Chris O'Reily with his feet (although it is unclear if Chris actually has feet or not).



  1. The Orly Factor plays Moskau (1988)
  2. The Story of Johhny (1997)


  1. Ya Rly (1989)
  2. No Wai (1991)
  3. Yahweh (1994)
  4. Chemical Wonderland (1997)
  5. Nukl3@r Wint3r (1999)
  6. Aha Rly (2001)


  1. Macgyver, Lol (1990)
  2. Those Raspberries (1993)
  3. Video 1 (1998)


  1. Yea Verily: All the hits and rarities (2002)
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