The Blank Club Dictionary

From Blankclubencyclopedia

Revision as of 01:44, 18 March 2006 by (Talk)

Terms you should know:

  • Baig
    • Adjective
      • Large in size or of great importance, especially dances and social events
        • "It was three days before the baig dance."
  • Creature
    • Noun
      • Life-form honoured by the Blank Club. Lives in Humana.
        • "Creature is your God"
  • Gay
    • Adjective (although has been used as adverb, verb, noun, pronoun, proverb???)
      • Used heavily in English and most dialects of Jayspeak that most teens use to express what they feel about the Nintendo DPieceofshit and anything else that doesn't fit into modern conformity. Most teens go through a "phase" where they say it soooo much, but don't worry because it's just a phase, lol.
        • "Wow, that *insert word here* is sooooooo gay."
  • God- Lord
    • Noun
      • Someone of great importance.
        • "Dude, isn't Brad such a God- Lord?"
    • *deleted by original poster*
      • *deleted by original poster*
        • *deleted by original poster*
  • Googler
    • Noun
      • Flabby thing on bottom of some mammals' chin.
        • "That dog had an epic googler."
  • Hamser
    • Adjective
      • A foolish, ignorant person.
        • "Will you quit being such a hamser!"
  • Humana
    • Noun
      • Large mountain in which Creatures live.
        • "Creature lives at Mt. Humana..."
  • Huzzah
    • Phrase
      • Exclamation
        • HUZZAH!
  • Je mapelle
    • Part of speech unknown
      • Used usually to start a sentence “Je mapelle that’s too bad”.
        • "Je mapelle I'm cold</b>!"
  • Mukitiajia
    • Noun
      • Random name often given to Luke from Brad.
        • 'I dub thee... Mukitiajia!"
  • Quome
    • Verb
      • Many uses; mostly used as in to hit someone with an anvil.
        • "Don't make me quome you, Hamser..."
  • Quel'que (fois, chaud, fleur, un)
    • Phrase
      • Exclamation
        • "What the Quel'que fois are you doing with my girlfriend!" (probably something Joey would say after he found Hillary cheating...)
  • Sacrilege
    • Noun
      • Word often screamed in death charges during battles.
        • "SACRILEGE!" (followed mostly by screaming)
  • Sass
    • Exclamation
      • Multiple things, mostly as the Blank substitute to "hell"
        • "What the sass!"
  • Sassmongler
    • Adjective
      • One who gives sass to others.
        • "Shut up and stop being such a sassmongler..."
  • Shiek
    • Verb
      • To slack off while bossing around others, as would the Shiek.
        • "Quit Shiekin' around!"
  • Supercilious
    • Adjective
      • Arrogant, pig headed.
        • "What a supercilious half- wit!"
  • Uganda
    • Noun
      • Country in Africa
        • "That's enough to feed Uganda"
  • Wittify
    • Verb
      • To shame someone with wittiness.
        • "Geez! I wittified that fool!"
  • Yomber
    • Interjection
      • Common greeting
        • "Yomber!"
  • Yomberlicious/Yomberlish
    • Exclamation
      • An exclamation
        • "Yomberlish!"
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