Template:Nightly Update

From Blankclubencyclopedia

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Revision as of 22:52, 2 February 2006

2-2-06 BCE has begun the process of switching wikis. Huzzah!

2-1-06 Blank Club Encyclopedia should very soon be getting a poll. Zach is coding a javascript poll for use to use, should be up by end of the week.

1-31-06 Articles are at their peak but we still are in desperate need of pictures. Only upload them if we need something badly and it is purely Blank related, otherwise link to outside pictures. Zach has coded in order to have text wrap pictures.

1-29-06 Yomber everybody, I'm back. Since Brad is working diligently on various articles and various EPIC STORIES. I can't be showed up on Blank work by Brad so I'm going to start working on a few things. First, although the articles are great we are severly lacking pictures so I'm going to work on that, don't worry I will not fill up all...10 megabytes of space [laughter in the background]. Second, if I'm feeling extra silly I might even work on CreatureCorner some.

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